Extend an offer

Last updated on June 25, 2024

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Making the offer

Making a decision

Once the assessment and selection has been completed and years of continuous service considered, where applicable, you're ready to make your appointment decision.

Before you make your final decision and notify applicants, reflect back on your staffing action. Make sure you're satisfied that the hiring process was based on the principle of merit, that applicants were considered fairly and consistently and that you selected qualified and competent individuals.

When you have made your decision to proceed, offer the job to the successful applicant and advise unsuccessful applicants of the result.

The successful applicant may want to discuss salary.

If compensation is an issue when hiring a new employee, you may consider an uprange hire.

Offer letter

If you've hired through the Recruitment Management System (RMS), we can issue the offer letter, or you can complete your own.

When you provide your recruiter with your competition results, the calculation of years of continuous service will be completed (if applicable) and an offer letter prepared in the RMS for your review and approval. Follow the link in the email notification to view and approve the offer letter. If there are revisions required, you can reject the offer and notify your recruiter of the required changes.

Your successful candidate must accept or reject the finalized offer through the RMS.

New employees will have to provide their Social Insurance Number (SIN) and date of birth to you. Submit this information to your recruiter in your AskMyHR ticket.  

If you're creating an offer letter on your own, use the appropriate template. Ensure you submit the offer letter with the employee’s SIN and date of birth to AskMyHR (IDIR restricted) in your original ticket.

If you need assistance creating your own offer, contact AskMyHR (IDIR restricted) by submitting a service request using the categories A Hiring Manager > Hiring Process > Other Issues & Inquiries.

Regret letters

If you've hired through the RMS, we can issue the regret letters, or you can complete your own.

If you're creating regret letters on your own, use this Regret Letter Template (DOCX, 91KB) and keep copies with the competition file.

If there are qualified candidates you wish to offer future vacancies, consider establishing an eligibility list.

Review period

After receiving a regret letter, unsuccessful applicants have 5 calendar days to request feedback about the hiring decision.

Learn more about the review period.

Providing feedback

Offering and providing feedback to unsuccessful employee applicants is a critical element in the staffing process. As required under the Public Service Act, the individual responsible for an appointment decision must notify all unsuccessful employee applicants of the appointment decision and offer to provide feedback by explaining the reasons why they were not offered the position.

Providing feedback to any applicant who requests it, including external applicants, is an opportunity for you to create a positive outcome for what could be a future employee and can play a role in avoiding dissatisfaction with the assessment process. Often, the applicant just wants to understand how your decision was reached and how they could've improved.

Learn more about providing feedback.

Security screening

If the position requires security screening, the successful applicant must clear security screening before the offer can be confirmed. If screening is not required, proceed to the confirmation letter step.

The hiring manager sends a Consent for Disclosure of Criminal Record Information (PDF, 278KB) to the applicant. Once applicants return the consent form, follow its directions on how to submit the information to the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General. You'll receive notification when security screening has been completed and the offer can be confirmed.

Confirmation letter

If you've hired through the RMS, Hiring Operations will send the confirmation letter on your behalf after the review period has concluded and security screening results (if required) have been received.

If creating a confirmation letter on your own, use the appropriate template(s) and email a signed copy to AskMyHR (IDIR restricted) by submitting a service request using the categories Myself (or) My Team or Organization > Submit a Form or Document > Offer Letters.

If appropriate, information on relocation may be included with the confirmation letter.