Provincial emergency program (PEP) air volunteers

Last updated on June 26, 2024

PEP Air is dedicated to the provision of air search support services to the National Search and Rescue Program. The organization is a member of the Civil Air Search and Rescue and works closely with both Emergency Management BC (EMBC) and the 442 Transport and Rescue Squadron with the Canadian Forces.

The B.C. government provides some funding to support PEP Air operations. PEP air volunteers that are part of a TASK registration (see Registration and ID page) will also receive WCB and liability coverage.

What volunteers do

PEP Air volunteers work with the B.C. government and the Canadian Forces to assist with searching for aircraft, boaters, hikers, and others who are lost or injured. They also fly reconnaissance flights to report and take photographs of damage during floods, mudslides, and other disasters.

The organization includes 75 aircraft crewed by more than 557 pilots, spotters, and navigators.

How to join

The B.C. government doesn't directly recruit volunteers. We work with PEP Air (a member of Civil Air Search & Rescue Association) to support emergency response throughout the province.


Each role has its own requirements and training. For details on roles and qualifications visit the Civil Air Search and Rescue Association (CASARA) website.

Volunteer resources

General — for all public safety lifeline volunteers 


Volunteer safety and code of conduct

We are committed to the safety of all public safety lifeline volunteers. 

Code of conduct 

Volunteers have a high level of responsibility and accountability while performing their duties. The code of conduct documents outline the expectations and responsibilities of each registered volunteer, and contain the process for a breach of the Code of Conduct.

Workers compensation coverage

Liability coverage

PEP Air specific resources