New interactive Emergency Ready planner
Check out the Emergency Ready planner, an online, interactive tool to help you create a personalized emergency and evacuation plan.
Check out the Emergency Ready planner, an online, interactive tool to help you create a personalized emergency and evacuation plan.
The chance of a damaging wildfire has increased in recent years due to climate change.
Learn how B.C. is taking action to reduce impacts of severe drought conditions and how you can help conserve water.
Explore hazard maps and data, and find tools and support for climate adaptation.
Emergency management in British Columbia is guided by four pillars: Mitigation, Preparation, Response and Recovery. Learn how the province is involved in emergencies and find resources for your household, neighbourhood and community.
Follow EmergencyInfoBC for information on active emergencies and what to do.
@EmergencyInfoBC on Twitter.
Learn more about the provincially funded emergency support program (ESS) that provides basic supports during an emergency event.
Read stories, get tips and useful information about emergency management in B.C.
Prepare or recover from a disaster:
Education and awareness materials for hazards and preventable emergencies:
Emergency management for local communities:
Provincial level emergency management includes:
Contact information for ministry programs and offices.