Social media packages for emergency awareness

Last updated on March 18, 2025

Creating awareness about preparing for emergencies and seasonal hazards is an important step toward building resilient communities. To help, we created easy-to-use social media packages with pre-formatted content and graphics.

On this page

General preparedness 

Disasters can happen seasonally or strike without warning. Getting prepared will help you respond to and recover from a disaster faster and more effectively. Share this content with your followers to help them prepare for any hazards they may face.

Hazard and emergency icons

Icons help quickly convey the situation that the public is facing in an emergency. These icons represent the most common hazards in B.C. and were developed by the Province. They have passed accessibility requirements and are free to use by First Nations and local governments.

Emergency evacuation and supports

It is important for people who live in B.C. to know what to expect if they ever need to evacuate their home. Share this content with your followers to help them understand how evacuation alerts and orders work, as well as how to access supports such as Emergency Support Services (ESS) once evacuated.


Seasonal flooding often happens in spring due to heavy rain and snow melt. Share this content with your followers to help them prepare for, respond to and recover from a flood. 


Wildfires happen every year, from both natural and human causes. Share this content with your followers to help them prepare for, respond to and recover from wildfires. 

Extreme Heat

Extreme heat is dangerous for the health and wellbeing of our communities and is responsible for the highest number of weather-related deaths annually. Share this content with your followers to help them stay safe during extreme heat.

Severe winter weather and storms

During the fall and winter months, B.C. experiences seasonal hazards such as severe winter weather, flooding, and power outages. Share this content with your followers to help them stay safe.

Earthquakes and tsunamis

We live in a seismically active zone, so it's important to be ready for a potential earthquake or coastal tsunami. Share this content with your followers to help them prepare for, and respond safely to earthquakes and tsunamis.

Small business and tourism

If you’re an organization or association that supports small businesses, share this content with your followers to help them prepare for emergencies, protect their investment and staff, and recover quicker.

Fire safety

Fire and life safety messages and toolkits are meant to be used "as-is" or customized with your own message to reach the people in your community, school or home. These resources are geared towards educators, but are also relevant to people who want to learn about fire prevention and how to stay safe from fire.