Carbon monoxide awareness

Last updated on June 19, 2024

Too many people in B.C. die, or become seriously ill, because of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. While the effects of CO poisoning can be devastating, they can be prevented. The best thing to do is have all fuel-burning appliances inspected by a licensed contractor every year. You should also install a carbon monoxide alarm that signals an alert when the gas is present.

If you have a broken or expired smoke or carbon monoxide alarm, replace it and drop your old one off for free at over 200 recycling locations in B.C. Learn more at

Awareness campaign resources

November 1 to 7 is Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week in B.C. During this week, fire departments, educators, government and industry work together to teach people about the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning, the symptoms and sources, and how to avoid becoming ill.

Use the digital resources below on your social media channels or website, or conduct a door-to-door Home Safety program by visiting residents and discussing prevention tips and checking for working carbon monoxide alarms.

Home safety program and community resources


Digital resources


Common questions