Human Trafficking - General Information

Last updated on March 8, 2019

The Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, (Convention des Nations Unies contre la criminalité transnationale organisée) published by the United Nations in 2000, contains the internationally accepted definition of human trafficking.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (La Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme) was adopted and proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1948.

ILO Convention on Forced Labour (Convention sur le travail forcé) (1930) addresses the international community’s commitment to all forms of forced labour.

The U.S. Department of State’s 2013 Trafficking in Persons Report provides a thorough account of the global issue of human trafficking while examining government strategies that effectively respond to the crime. This report specifically addresses the challenge of accurate and effective victim identification as it relates to ensuring quality service provision, participation in legal proceedings, and consciousness-raising within community settings.

The Trafficking in Women and Girls: Meeting the Challenge Together Conference in 2007 focused on holistic and comprehensive responses of the international community to the challenge of trafficking in women and girls. It was concluded that gender-sensitive and people-centered anti-trafficking measures are essential to a well coordinated approach to the problem of trafficking in human beings.

Elaine Pearson’s research entitled The Mekong Challenge Human Trafficking: Redefining Demand examines the issue of trafficking under the framework of labour migration in five countries. This demand-based study seeks information on the economic, social, cultural, legal, and political context that allows and nurtures the use of trafficked persons.

Abuse of a Position of Vulnerability is a position paper that provides an overview and analysis of the international legal and policy framework around the abuse of a position of vulnerability as it relates to the crime of trafficking. Guidance notes available En français.

Modern Day Slavery: What drives human trafficking in Europe? is a paper that examines the determinants of human trafficking inflows in to 13 European counties based on official records.

The European Commission provides information and resources to better assist practitioners and authorities in member states to deliver adequate assistance and protection to victims of human trafficking.


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