BC’s primary care strategy delivers actions that support faster and improved access to health care for people who live throughout the province, through team-based care that includes recruitment of health-care professionals.
The Nurse in Practice program is designed to expand team-based primary care by integrating more nurses into family practices. Under this program, longitudinal primary practices that deliver longitudinal primary care to one or more panels of patients, or that provide focused primary care to priority populations, may be eligible for funding to hire a registered nurse (RN) or licensed practical nurse (LPN) to work as part of their core clinical team.
The Nurse in Practice program is designed to:
For patients, that means:
The Nurse in Practice program was piloted in a number of communities in BC, after the Ministry of Health heard from primary care partners about the need for RNs and LPNs to strengthen team-based care.
For more information on the program and how to apply, please read the Nurse in Practice Program Guide.
How the Program Works
Which Clinics are Eligible
Eligible clinics will include:
Full eligibility is outlined in the Nurse in Practice Program Guide. There are two types of practices eligible to participate in the initial phase of the Nurse in Practice program:
Family doctor or nurse practitioner practices delivering longitudinal primary care to a full panel of patients.
These practices must meet specific panel size expectations to be considered a full panel. Full details of panel size expectations for longitudinal primary care clinics are outlined in the Nurse in Practice Program Guide.
Longitudinal primary care clinics must be family doctor or nurse practitioner owned and operated, or operated by a not-for-profit society.
Family doctors and nurse practitioners who are in the process of building their panels, such as new-to-practice primary care providers and those not yet operating at expected capacity, who have not yet met the minimum panel size requirements are not eligible in the initial phase.
2. Family doctors and nurse practitioners with focused primary care clinics who deliver primary care to priority populations may also be eligible to receive funding under this program.
How to Apply
Fill out form and email it to the clinic’s respective Ministry of Health regional inbox:
Fraser Region: PrimaryCareFraserRegion@gov.bc.ca
Interior Region: Interior.PCD@gov.bc.ca
Vancouver Coastal Region: MoHPrimaryCare.Coastal@gov.bc.ca
Northern Region: Northern.PCD@gov.bc.ca
Vancouver Island Region: Island.PIO@gov.bc.ca
Please cc NurseinPractice@gov.bc.ca when submitting the completed form
The timeline for response
Support for participating clinics and nurses
To support clinics and nurses approved through the Nurse in Practice program, an education and support program is available through Nurses and Nurse Practitioners of BC, Doctors of BC and the Family Practice Services Committee.
Organizations representing doctors and nurses:
How to plan for and support team-based care:
Integrating a Nurse into your Practice:
Understanding Scopes of Practice:
In 2018, the Ministry of Health launched a transformational team-based primary health-care strategy envisioned to increase patient attachment and access to quality, comprehensive, culturally safe, and person-centered primary care services throughout the province. The Nurse in Practice program is part of this work to expand access to team-based care for people living in B.C.
Read more about government’s work to expand access to primary-care providers and team-based care:
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