How much funding is available

Last updated on January 20, 2025

Funding helps families pay for services that promote skill development for their child – communication, social-emotional, academic and life skills. Only specific services and therapies qualify for funding. 

Children under age six 

Up to $22,000 per year for each child may only be used for:

  • Professionals listed on the Registry of Autism Service Providers (RASP)
  • Behaviour interventionists (BI) who are supervised by a RASP professional
  • Administrative costs related to managing service providers, up to $100 monthly (e.g. paying a bookkeeper)
  • Costs related to employing a service provider – for example, vacation pay, income tax, Canada Pension Plan or Employment Insurance benefits, and WorkSafeBC premiums
  • Family counselling/therapy
  • Beginning April 1, 2021: Family counselling/therapy is an eligible expense for Autism Funding: Under Age 6

Family counselling/therapy providers do not need to be listed on the Registry of Autism Service Providers (RASP).

The following professionals may be eligible to provide family counselling/therapy services:

  • Canadian Certified Counsellors (CCC)
  • Registered Clinical Counsellors (RCC)
  • Registered Marriage and Family Therapists (RMFT)
  • Registered Psychiatrists
  • Registered Psychologists
  • Registered Social Workers (RSW)/Registered Clinical Social Workers (RCSW)

Please contact Autism Funding or Autism Information Services BC if you require more information.

Children aged 6 to 18

Up to $6,000 per year for each child can be used for:

  • Behaviour consultants or analysts, speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists or physical therapists 
  • Behaviour interventionists (BI) (should be supervised by a professional listed above)
  • Life skills and social skills programs
  • Out-of-school learning support that's not part of a regular school program – for example, support and tutoring that takes places outside of school hours, speech-language therapy, or behaviour consultation
  • Dietary counselling from a registered dietician
  • Family counselling/therapy
  • Specialized therapeutic activities and camps designed for children with autism
  • Interventions outlined in a letter of recommendation from an eligible professional (written pre-approval from the Autism Funding Branch is recommended)
  • Administrative costs related to managing service providers – up to $50 monthly to pay a bookkeeper or $600 per funding period for direct payment accountant fees
  • Costs related to employing a service provider – for example, vacation pay, income tax, Canada Pension Plan or Employment Insurance benefits, and WorkSafeBC premiums

Funding through the school system

Autism funding covers services and resources outside of your child’s school day. Once children with autism start school, they also benefit from the education supports and services that are available through the school system.

School districts and independent school authorities have access to additional funding for each child with certain diagnoses, including autism. 

For the 2019/2020 school year, this extra funding is $20,200

While these supplemental funds are not targeted for individual students, they are intended to support inclusion

School districts and independent school authorities receive the funding and then combine it to provide supports and services in the way they think is best suited to the needs of all students.

School choice: Public and private schools offer different options for students with autism. Classroom alternatives like online/distributed learning programs also offer flexibility.


Use funding for other types of support

Parents can use up to 20% of their autism funding allocation to pay for other supports to help their child's development, such as travel, training and equipment (TTE). 

The autism funding allocation may be prorated in the initial funding period, and the TTE 20% limit will reflect the prorated amount; therefore, we encourage parents/guardians to confirm the amount prior to making any TTE requests/purchases.

Think about creating a budget

Parents plan how much they will spend on support services using personal funds combined with the provincial autism funding.

Some parents choose to spend all of their autism funding allocation on one type of service, while others prefer to spread out their funding across various services.


Contact information

Ask the Autism Funding team for help with funding paperwork or processes.

Victoria Office
250 387-3530
Toll Free
1 877 777-3530
250 356-8578
PO Box 9776 STN PROV GOVT Victoria, BC V8W 9S5