Psychiatric Medications (Plan G)

Last updated on March 28, 2025

The Psychiatric Medications Plan (Plan G) covers 100% of the cost of many psychiatric medications and drugs to treat opioid use disorder when cost is a serious barrier to a person getting treatment. 

Prescribers apply for Plan G coverage on the patient's behalf. Regular Plan G coverage is for 1 year.

Exceptional coverage is available for 6 months for people who are not yet enrolled in MSP. Bridge coverage is for 3 months and is available in urgent after-hours circumstances. People with short-term coverage are encouraged to apply for regular coverage as soon as possible.

On this page: How to apply for regular Plan G coverage for a patient | Exceptional coverage | Bridge coverage | Plan G regular and Special Authority benefits | Related links

How to apply for regular Plan G coverage for a patient

A prescriber and a local mental health and substance use centre or Child and Youth Mental Health services centre confirm a person's eligibility.

Regular Plan G coverage is for 1 year at a time. It is renewable. If needed, a prescriber may re-apply at the end of the year.

To apply:

  1. Prescribers complete the HLTH 3497 – Application for PharmaCare Plan G (PDF, 896KB)
  2. Fax to one of:

Important: Mental health and substance use centres are asked to monitor the 1-year renewal date for regular coverage, and if possible, contact patients to re-apply for another year of coverage if needed. 

Exceptional Plan G coverage

Plan G coverage may be available exceptionally to new residents of B.C. who are not yet fully enrolled in MSP.

  • Exceptional coverage is available for a single 6-month term and is not renewable
  • The patient should enrol in MSP, and then get regular Plan G coverage in place while they have exceptional coverage

To apply:

  • Practitioner completes sections A, B and E of the Plan G application form (and D, if applying for bridge coverage at the same time)
  • Prescriber certifies that:
    • Patient has enrolled in MSP, or understands they must enrol in MSP as soon as possible (at
    • Patient has been advised exceptional Plan G coverage is for 6 months only, and that they must enrol in MSP to be eligible for regular Plan G coverage

Plan G bridge coverage

Plan G bridge coverage is available in urgent after-hours circumstances. It is provided for up to 3 months. Prescribers should encourage clients to get regular Plan G coverage in place before the 3-month period is up.

Plan G bridge coverage can be applied for by practitioners in:

  • Emergency departments (EDs)
  • Rapid Access Addiction Clinics (RAACs)
  • Urgent primary care centres (UPCCs)
  • Correctional centres (provincial and federal)
  • Public facilities in B.C. offering substance use withdrawal management (WDM) services through health authorities

To apply for bridge coverage:

  1. Fill out sections A, B and D of the Plan G application form.
  2. Fax directly to HIBC at 250-405-3896. (Plan G forms are normally sent to a mental health and substance use centre for processing before being sent on to HIBC. The expedited administrative process means Plan G coverage can be activated more quickly).

A practitioner may apply for exceptional coverage and bridge coverage for the same patient at the same time with a single form, sent directly to HIBC.

Plan G regular and Special Authority benefits

Use the PharmaCare Formulary Search to find out which medications are covered.

  • Click on "Psychiatric Medications" under Select PharmaCare Plan to view all formulations and strengths that are covered under Plan G
  • Click on a specific DIN/PIN/NPN number to find out what plans the drug is covered under

Some Plan G drugs are limited coverage benefits and require Special Authority approval. Enter “Plan G” into the table search box on the Special Authority drug list to view them.

If PharmaCare covers a generic version of a drug, PharmaCare generally covers only part of the cost of the brand product. Learn more about the Low Cost Alternative Program