General Records (schedule 112909)

Last updated on June 27, 2024

These records were created, received, maintained and duplicated by government agencies covered by the Document Disposal Act (RSBC 1996, c. 99). This schedule is intended to ensure the efficient application of the Document Disposal Act to textual and microform records created on or after 1 January 1960 and transferred to off-site storage administered by Information Access Operations prior to 4 October 1993.

The term "general records" refers to records which may be administrative or operational in nature but are not arranged in a manner which permits the efficient application of retention periods prescribed in the Administrative Records Classification System (ARCS), in an Operational Records Classification System (ORCS), or in any other ongoing records schedule.

This schedule will be applied by Government Information Management (GIM) Branch and government archives staff only. This schedule will only be applied to records which meet the following criteria: a records analyst has determined that the records require four or fewer years retention in order to satisfy all administrative, operational, legal, fiscal, and audit functions for which the records were created; and an archivist has appraised the records as having insufficient value to justify their retention.

Records Lifecycle

Phase A SA FD
Retention NA 4y DE

NA = not applicable because records are already in storage

4y = The combined active and semi-active retention period is calculated from the date of file closure.

DE = Government Information Management (GIM) Branch will destroy the records covered by this records retention and disposal authority. Although these records may have some residual historical and evidential values, those values do not justify the cost which would be incurred in processing, preserving, and conserving the records and in dealing with the privacy and confidentiality issues associated with their use.

Approval Date: 1994-07-07


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For general inquires, contact the Government Information Management (GIM) Branch at: