
Last updated on March 21, 2025

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Advancing Cybersecurity in B.C. with the Broader Public Sector.   

CyberBC Logo

CyberBC is designed to collaborate with broader public sector organizations to assist in enhancing their cybersecurity posture. Specifically, the resources help create cybersecurity strategies, assess weaknesses and potential threats, and minimize risks to safeguard our partners against cyber threats.

Through CyberBC the Province facilitates engagement with our interested parties and partners to better understand B.C.'s cybersecurity landscape, and explore interest in collaborating on opportunities to:

  • Raise the collective bar for cybersecurity in the face of increased threat.
  • Develop, deliver, and test the value of expanded resources and supports.

Foundational Frameworks

Defensible Security

Cybersecurity frameworks are sets of guidelines for managing and reducing security risks. CyberBC provides its clients with templates, examples, and self-assessment tools they need to align to the B.C. Defensible Security Framework, as well as expert advice and coaching to validate their tools and policies.

Policies and Standards

Foundational Policies and Guidelines

Policies and standards describe the rules an organization uses to protect its data and computer systems. These rules outline the countermeasures, training, and plans that an organization must maintain to ensure it is adequately prepared to detect, contain, and recover from an attack.

Risk Management

Security Consulting services

Risk management is a process of identifying, assessing, and mitigating threats that can affect an organization. It involves analyzing risks, impacts, monitoring and developing strategies to minimize harm.

Incident Response

Service Image

Incident response (or cybersecurity incident response) refers to an organization’s processes and technologies for preventing, detecting, and, responding to cyberthreats, security breaches or cyberattacks.

Security Awareness

Security Awareness banner picture

Security Awareness Programs play an integral role in educating employees about security threats and risks and safe computing practices for the protection of an organizations’ information assets. 

Procurement for IM/IT Security Advisory Services

A close up of an eye with cyber related graphics in front of it

The IM/IT Security Advisory Services Corporate Supply Arrangements assist organizations with information systems and cybersecurity practices.

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