Policies and Standards

Last updated on November 29, 2024


Policies and standards describe the rules an organization uses to protect its data and computer systems. These rules outline the countermeasures, training, and plans that an organization must maintain to ensure it is adequately prepared to detect, contain, and recover from an attack.
CyberBC provides training, education, and coaching services to support clients’ policy development, review their policies, and make recommendations to align to best practice. This includes policy and standards information sessions and workshops.



  • Better protection against cyberattacks.
  • Organizational knowledge of cybersecurity policy best practice, development, and implementation.
  • Available cybersecurity policy developed to B.C. government standards.
  • Access to foundational policies that are vetted by CyberBC professionals.
  • Expend fewer resources on policy development by leveraging existing examples of draft policies and standards.


CyberBC Packages
A list of our foundational and enhanced IM/IT policies, standards, and specifications.
Policies give high-level statements of intent.
Standards provide controls that support and expand on the policy statements.
Specifications provide technical guidance to support the controls in the standard.


Request Additional Resources

CyberBC offers Complementary Resources in addition to the Self-Serve resources above.

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