B.C. Field Sampling Manual

Last updated on May 27, 2024

The British Columbia Field Sampling Manual (BCFSM) sets out QA/QC requirements, sampling procedures, protocols, and equipment that must be followed by permit holders for environmental monitoring and sample collection.

Additionally, the BCFSM is openly published for use by environmental practitioners to provide guidance and consistency in sampling, and ultimately the data produced by that sampling. The BCFSM is a living document that is updated periodically to ensure it provides current and accountable guidance.

The BCFSM is available as individual sections in PDF format for ease of access:

Methods posted for review

The following method is available for public consultation for a minimum of 30 days. Stakeholders and members of the public are encouraged to review these methods and provide feedback.

Surface water and effluent methods

Major changes were made to surface water and effluent sampling methods. Parts E1 (Surface Water) and E3 (Effluent) have been updated to reflect these changes:

This public consultation period expires June 3, 2024.

To provide feedback, contact the Senior Laboratory Specialist (Labs@Victoria1.gov.bc.ca).

Methods awaiting approval

The following methods have undergone a public review process. The methods may have been modified to reflect information produced during the review period but still require director’s approval to publish.

  • No methods awaiting approval at this time

Methods approved for publication

The following methods have undergone a public review process and have been approved by a Director for publication. The date of publication has yet to be determined however it is important to recognize that these methods supersede those that are currently published in the BCFSM. 

  • No methods approved for publication at this time

Contact information

Questions? Comments?
Get in touch.

Analysis, Reporting, and Knowledge Services
Attn: Senior Quality Management Analyst
2nd Floor, 1520 Blanshard St.
Victoria, B.C. V8W 3K1
PO Box 9347, Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, B.C. V8W 9M1