Wildlife Spatial Data Files

Last updated on August 27, 2018

Spatial lines and polygons are a valuable portion of the data from wildlife species inventory projects. Lines typically represent transects traversed during a survey, and polygons typically represent boundaries of areas that were surveyed.

Spatial data must be submitted using one of these formatted templates:

When using a spatial data template: 

  • Spatial files must contain study area names in the attribute table - study area names must match exactly the study area names in the survey data template
  • Spatial files of blocks or transects must contain the unique labels of the blocks or transects - the unique labels must match exactly the labels used in the survey data templates
  • Spatial files of point locations (e.g., sample stations) should not be submitted - rather, point location data must be submitted as rows in the appropriate data template
  • Use ArcMap to outline the study area in a shapefile - create your own polygons by drawing, clustering, or using forest cover polygons, wildlife management units, regional boundaries and lake boundaries

Learn more about spatial layer predefined fields and user-defined fields:

Spatial features (e.g., blocks, study areas and transect lines) will become accessible through the B.C. Geographic Warehouse.

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