Invasive species early detection and rapid response (EDRR)
Last updated on February 20, 2025
The B.C. government's approach to invasive species is to find, identify, and systematically eradicate, contain or control new invasive species before they can reproduce and disperse beyond their point of entry.
Early detection of newly arrived invasive species, followed by a well-coordinated rapid response, will increase the likelihood of eradication or containment of new invasions and is the most cost-effective means for controlling invasive species.
The B.C. government invasive species early detection and response activities are guided by the B.C. Invasive Species Early Detection Rapid Response Plan (EDRR). The plan provides detailed direction on the decisions and actions required to address new incursions anywhere in B.C.
Invasive species within the Provincial EDRR Process
Invasive Plants within the Provincial EDRR Process are not present in B.C., or are present but limited in extent and being actively managed with the goal of eradication from B.C.. These plants pose a significant threat to B.C.'s environment, economy, and/or human health.
They are identified as a result of an extensive review that considered their regulation and status in B.C. and bordering jurisdictions, presence elsewhere in similar environments to those that occur in B.C., and listing on the Canada Food Inspection Agency Least Wanted Plant List (2010).
Learn more about Provincial Early Detection and Rapid Response Species:
To increase the likelihood that new incursions of zebra and quagga mussels will be discovered and eradicated before they become widely established in the province, the B.C. government has implemented the Zebra and Quagga Mussel Early Detection and Rapid Response Plan for B.C.
Status of Invasive Plants within the Provincial EDRR Process (make a hidden page with a table with the spreadsheet information)
Early detection and rapid response to invasive species activities occur in partnership with theCanadian Food Inspection Agencyand with cooperation and participation of key land managers and stakeholders throughout B.C. and neighbouring jurisdictions.
2024 Update on BC Provincial Early Detection and Rapid Response Invasive Species
The British Columbia Invasive Species Early Detection Rapid Response (EDRR) Plan is implemented by the Province of B.C. and is an important tool for safeguarding our valuable environmental, cultural and economic resources. Our taxonomic specialists will explain how the EDRR process works, important tools for assessing risk, regional updates about invasive species in the process of eradication, and how to report suspected new invaders. Use the time stamps to directly view the topics, species, or regions of interest.
Early detection and rapid response steps
Step 1–early detection
Unknown species found
Species identified (if possible) and reported
Provincial government invasive plant specialist determines if species is new or existing in B.C.
New species are reported to the B.C. early detection rapid response (EDRR) Coordinator
Step 2–identification
Species identification confirmed by B.C. early detection rapid response coordinator in partnership with the Royal BC Museum and, if needed, a botanical network of specialists from the Pacific Northwest
Step 3–alert screening
The B.C. government contains new species sites to prevent spread
If species regulated by the federal Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), EDRR coordination is transferred to that agency and B.C. participates as a stakeholder
If species is not regulated by CFIA, the B.C. EDRR coordinator completes coarse screening
Site habitat is assessed and the local extent of the infestation is determined
Provincial government contains new species sites to prevent spread
B.C. EDRR Advisory, with support from the Coordinator, determines if species is or should be prohibited in B.C.
Step 4–risk assessment
Species risk is assessed and rated by the B.C. EDRR advisory, with support from the coordinator. (Note: Many prohibited weeds will have risk assessments completed prior to their first detection in B.C.)
High and medium risk species are contained by the provincial government to prevent spread
Step 5–rapid response
B.C. EDRR coordinator, with support from subject experts, develops a rapid response plan
Treatment permits are obtained
Treatments are completed
Step 6–monitor and reassess
Treatments are evaluated for efficacy
Response is adjusted
Annual report is completed and data entered into provincial database and mapping application
Monitoring plan is developed for eradicate species (Note: It may take several years before eradication can be achieved for some species)
Report sightings
Report invasive species before they cause harm.
Invasive species are plants and animals not naturally found in B.C. that can potentially harm the province's natural environment or adversely affect people's health