Pesticide recordkeeping and reporting

Last updated on June 20, 2024

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Licence, confirmation and permit holders

Use these forms to record and report information about pesticide applications.

Pesticide use record

Record information about each pesticide application:

Notice of intent to treat

Confirmation holders must submit a notice of intent to treat at least 21 days before the first pesticide use in a calendar year.

This form is meant to assist in assuring all necessary information is provided:

Licensees treating more than 20 hectares of private forest land must submit a notice of intent to treat at least 14 days before the first pesticide use in a calendar year:

Annual use summary

Report the total quantities of pesticides applied during a calendar year.

Annual use summary reports must be submitted by January 31 of the following year.

Form categories

Effective November 8, 2022:

  • PDF versions of the Annual Use Report for Licence Holders form will no longer be accepted

There are 3 types of forms:

  • For licensees reporting pesticide use other than pesticide treatments on more than 20 hectares (ha) of private forest land
  • This includes pesticide treatments on less than 20 hectares of private forest land:


To ensure that fumigations are performed safely according to pesticide labels and current standards, the ministry now places conditions on fumigation certificates and pesticide licences:

Prepare a fumigation management plan for each type of fumigation performed at each site in each separate facility.

Submit this plan at least 24 hours before the first fumigation is conducted:


Effective November 8, 2022:

  • PDF versions of the Annual Sales Summary form will no longer be accepted

Record information for each sale of commercial and restricted pesticides:

Report the total quantities of commercial and restricted labelled pesticides sold in a calendar year.

Submit this form before April 1 of the following year: