Reporting industrial greenhouse gas emissions

Last updated on January 10, 2025

Reliable and timely emissions data is essential to effective greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions. Verification helps ensure that this data is accurate and consistent.

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GGIRCA Bulletins

Greenhouse Gas Industrial Reporting and Control Act (GGIRCA) Bulletins contain important legal information that may be relevant for your emission report. Bulletins are published and amended regularly on the Bulletins, Legislation and Guidance webpage.

Who must report greenhouse gas emissions?

B.C. facilities that emit 10,000 tonnes or more of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) per year – and those that have emitted more than 10,000 tonnes in any of the previous three years – must report their greenhouse gas emissions annually.

Who must verify greenhouse gas emissions?

B.C. facilities with attributable emissions of 25,000 tonnes or more during either the current reporting cycle or any of the previous three reporting cycles – and all regulated LNG operations – must have their emission reports verified by an accredited third party.

What does reporting entail?

Reporting requirements differ for first-time and existing users:

First-time reporters must:

  1. Determine their reporting obligation
  2. Register for GHG reporting

Registered annual reporters must:

  1. Monitor and quantify emissions
  2. Verify emissions through an accredited third party, if required
  3. Complete and submit a report annually

Reporting requirements under the B.C. OBPS

As of April 1st 2024, the reporting requirements will change under the B.C. OBPS. This includes additional reporting requirements related to production data.  

Emissions reporting will fall under two categories to meet the requirements of the B.C. OBPS:   

  1. Emissions that are attributable for reporting purposes 
  2. Emissions that are attributable for compliance purposes 

Under the B.C. OBPS, regulated operations will need to report both emissions that are attributable for reporting purposes and emissions that are attributable for compliance purposes.  

Please consult the B.C. OBPS Program and Reporting Guidance (PDF, 1MB) for more information. 


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