Industrial operations in B.C. may be required to report their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the Province depending on the amount emitted each year.
If an industrial operation has not reported emissions before, it is required to determine annually if it has a requirement to register. The operator must determine, no later than February 28th of the reporting period, whether the operation's total GHG emissions for the calendar year are likely to be greater than or equal to 10,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). Registration for GHG reporting is required by May 31st each year.
Requirements for reporting industrial GHG emissions in B.C. are based on three key factors:
Operations that emit 10,000 tonnes or more of CO2e emissions per year – and those that have emitted more than 10,000 tonnes in any of the previous three years – are required to report emissions. Emissions from biomass listed in Item 1 of Schedule C of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Regulation must be reported but do not count toward the 10,000 tonne threshold.
In addition, reporting operations emitting 25,000 tonnes or more of CO2e emissions during either the current reporting cycle or any of the previous three reporting cycles – and all regulated operations – have a third-party verification requirement. Emissions from Item 1 of Schedule C of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Regulation are excluded from the verification threshold.
The Greenhouse Gas Emission Reporting Regulation distinguishes between a single facility operation, a linear facilities operation, and an electricity import operation. See key definitions.
Single facility operations are reporting operations where specified industrial activities are carried out at a single facility by an operator and with sources of GHG emissions listed in Schedule A, Table 1. Both single and linear facility operations have requirements to report on emissions from general stationary combustion. Only single-facility operations have a requirement to report on emissions from mobile equipment.
Linear facility operations are reporting operations where oil and gas activities are carried out at one or more (typically smaller) facilities that are controlled and directed by the same operator and encompass industrial activities listed in Table 2 of Schedule A, including:
Activities listed in Table 1 are also applicable to linear facilities operations if they are carried out at these operations.
The regulation includes a detailed list of activities (associated with industrial production, manufacturing, processing and refining) and emissions source types (associated with these activities) that result in GHG emissions that must be reported – see Schedule A.
Emissions quantification methodologies are prescribed for each activity, in Column 5 of Schedule A, Table 1 and 2 of the regulation. For further details, see the emissions quantification methodologies.
Operations that may be required to report emissions include:
The Greenhouse Gas Emission Reporting Regulation does not apply to:
An industrial operation must register and apply to be either an opted-in reporting operation or an opted-in regulated operation.
Industrial operations that apply to opt in as a regulated operation must demonstrate they can fulfill the same reporting and verification requirements of a regulated operation, including the ability to accurately track or quantify their GHG emissions and production, and an annual preparation of a verified compliance report.
Industrial operations that emit less than 10,000 tonnes CO2e per year may apply to be a reporting operation. If the operation also produces a regulated product, it has the option to opt in as a regulated operation.
Industrial operations that produce regulated products and emit less than 10,000 tonnes CO2e per year and are approved to opt in to the B.C. Output-Based Pricing System (B.C. OBPS) will be considered regulated operations. Operations will have the same reporting and compliance obligations as all other regulated operations. Regulated operations are divided into the following categories: 
Additional information on opting-in to the B.C. OBPS can be found in the B.C OBPS Program and Reporting Guidance (PDF, 1MB).