Quantify natural gas carbon content for industrial reporting

Last updated on July 7, 2023

For facilities using the WCI.040 methodology, the carbon content of natural gas required for quantification of electricity generation emissions can be found at the Spectra customer interface website. To access:

  • select “Gas Quality” then “Average Residue Gas Composition”
  • choose the type of report (PDF, CSV, XML), and view monthly compositions for all the gate stations for the past 13 months.
  • The following data may be required for calculations:

  • reference Pressure: 101.325 kPa
  • reference Temperature: 15 °C
  • delivery Condition: dry
  • The map of the Spectra transmission system can be used by reporting operations to determine which gate station carbon content should be used.

    This information is posted solely for the use of the reporting operations related to their compliance reporting obligation. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, Spectra Energy does not warrant accuracy of the information for any purpose.