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Visit the following links for information about groundwater and aquifers, and search for or submit information about water wells in B.C.:
Provincial Groundwater Observation Well Network provides data about selected aquifers in B.C.
The Groundwater Level Interactive map can be used to locate and identify provincial observation wells. Groundwater level and chemistry data for these observation wells can be downloaded from the map. The Provincial Groundwater Observation Well Network has been collecting water level and chemistry data dating back to the 1960s. Nearly 240 active provincial observations wells are located across the province.
The BC Data Catalogue allows for a bulk download of water level data from all observation wells.
Environmental Reporting BC conducted a trend analysis in 2014 for more than 100 provincial observation wells with long term water level records.
The Environmental Monitoring System (EMS) is the repository for groundwater quality data.
iMapBC can be used to view and analyze the thousands of geographic datasets stored in the B.C. Geographic Warehouse. Add groundwater related layers under the “Data Sources” tab by using the search terms “Wells” and “Aquifers”.
BC Water Resource Atlas is an iMapBC application with a water focus and an enhanced query functionality to enable the display of detailed water related information.
The Water Science Series, initiated in 2016, publishes results of projects initiated under the Groundwater Science Program that relate to the understanding and management of B.C.’s water resources.
Ecological Reports Catalogue (EcoCat) provides access to reports on ecological activities in British Columbia, plus related files such as maps, datasets and published inventories. Subject areas include groundwater.
Aquifers are mapped, identified and categorized using data from the GWELLS database. The map based Aquifer Classification System was developed in 1994, and over 1100 aquifers have been classified as of January, 2016. Work continues to inventory the remaining aquifers.
Groundwater Wells and Aquifers (GWELLS) to search for wells and submit online well construction, alteration, and decommission reports.