Site remediation news

Last updated on March 14, 2025

On this page

Site remediation subscription service

The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy's subscription service identifies legal, technical, policy and guidance information related to the management and administration of contaminated sites in B.C.

Mention of non-ministry documents or presentations does not constitute ministry endorsement of their contents, only an acknowledgement that they exist and may be of interest to site remediation news subscribers. 


How to subscribe

  1. To subscribe, please enter your email in the subscribe box at the bottom of this page and select 'Submit'
  2. An email will be sent to your inbox to verify the request
    • Follow the link to verify
  3. You'll receive another short message welcoming you to the system





How to unsubscribe

You can unsubscribe any time by following the unsubscribe link on every email message. 

How to Unsubscribe

​Below are the most recent messages sent to subscribers.

January to March 2025


Metes and bounds requirements

Contaminated Sites Service Applications for certification of portions of legal parcels, described by metes and bounds, do not always include a stamped drawing by a land surveyor.

Section 59 of the Land Surveyors Act defines the determination or certification of a boundary as reserved practice for a land surveyor.     

The Detailed Screening Committee of the Society of Contaminated Sites Approved Professionals will check for this in their screening process.

Please include the land surveyor drawing and signoff/stamp with relevant certification applications. For those applications that have already been submitted to the ministry without a stamped drawing, directors will consider this requirement on a case-by-case basis and communicate what is appropriate with the recommending AP.

An update to the Approved Professional drafts and cover letters ministry webpage has been made.  The clarification on metes and bounds requirements is within the final bullet under Schedule A: site, description, boundaries, plans and location maps. 


Introducing the Site Remediation Services (SRS) Web App

The Ministry of Environment and Parks is excited to share that we have been working on a new digital system that will make the site identification and remediation processes for contaminated sites in British Columbia more streamlined and efficient. Site Remediation Services Web application (SRS Web App) will make submitting forms such as site disclosure statements and applying for contaminated site services easy. 

Below is a list of anticipated benefits of the new system. 

  • Processing site disclosure statements will be seamless, with everything contained in the system 
  • Forwarding forms to the ministry will be quick and easy with faster ministry response times
  • System functionality will allow direct communication between the ministry and applicants
  • Contaminated Sites Service applications will be processed within the system with real-time status updates

The project team is working to launch SRS Web App in June. 

Introducing Site Remediation Services (SRS) Web App


Restructured web content to provide clarity on remediating a site

The previous webpages about remediating a site were unclear and contained duplicate information. This made it hard for qualified professionals to find guidance to complete their work. The pages were redesigned with content that’s specific to both property owners and qualified professionals, and that clearly describes the process for remediating a site and applying for certification. You’ll find that some webpages were removed or relocated as part of the redesign. Any information or guidance that is important was kept, although it may be presented in a new way.

The following webpages were revised:

The updated Preapprovals webpage gives examples of when it may not be technically feasible or safe to investigate or remediate a site.

Two new webpages were also released:

Considering climate change in remediation

This page provides high level guidance to qualified professionals who are thinking about the potential effects of climate change on remediation. Links to other available training and guidance are given if you wish to learn more about this topic.

Information for First Nations Governments

This page provides information, tools and training for First Nations Governments wishing to understand more about contaminated sites in their territories.

The Site Remediation landing page was also redesigned for improved way finding and to reflect the changes described above.

Please update your bookmarks, as needed.

If you have questions or comments about these updates, please contact

January to September 2024


Revised webpages for site identification and contaminant migration

The following webpages have been revised to provide an improved user experience:

Note that new information has been added to the release notices webpage describing the use of new Scenario 2 release option. This option is for limited situations when a site doesn't qualify for the other types of release notices or a certification document, and there would not be a significant threat or risk if a municipal or subdivision application were approved. 


Summary of Comments Report for Protocol 19

A Summary of Comments report for Protocol 19: Site Investigation and Reporting has been posted on the Legislation and protocols page.

 This report summarizes comments from engagement sessions with First Nations and the public on proposed changes to Protocol 19.

The following feedback was received:

  • Allow more professional judgement for qualified professionals when selecting sampling parameters, frequencies and densities
  • Address increased costs by creating a more flexible process for soil sampling and analysis on source sites
  • Allow the use of vapour attenuation factors and vapour modelling to estimate vapour concentrations so that more soil is reused and less goes to landfills
  • Reduce the metal leaching and acid rock drainage sampling frequency because it’s onerous and extremely costly
  • Clarify some of the requirements.

Thank you for participating in these sessions.


Updates to Protocol 6, Protocol 19, and Protocol 22

Protocol 6, Protocol 19, and Protocol 22 have been updated on the Legislation and protocols page.

Revisions to Protocol 6: Applications with Approved Professional Recommendations and Pre-approvals were completed to:

  • Allow all applications for Approvals in Principle of a remediation plan for non-high-risk sites to be submitted with the recommendation of an Approved Professional, not just those that can be completed in 5 years
    • This means a pre-approval is no longer needed to accommodate a longer remediation schedule
  • Not allow sites under Order to submit applications with the recommendation of an Approved Professional
    • These sites are typically high-risk and oversight should remain with the ministry until the Order requirements are met
  • Clarify requirements, including those for delineation of contamination in relation to Approval in Principle applications

Revisions were also made to the Certification page to provide additional guidance for Approval in Principle applications for non-high risk sites.

Revisions to Protocol 19: Site Investigation and Reporting were completed to:

  • Allow more professional judgement for qualified professionals when selecting sampling parameters, frequencies and densities when potential contaminants of concern (PCOCs) are known
  • Address increased costs to people using Protocol 19 by creating a more flexible process for soil sampling/analysis on source sites
  • Allow the use of a 0.02 vapour attenuation factor and vapour modelling to estimate vapour concentrations so that more soil is reused and less goes to landfills
  • Incorporate exemptions for sites that do not require investigation before soil relocation (for example, source site with a Final Determination the site is not contaminated)
  • Reduce the metal leaching and acid rock drainage (ML/ARD) sampling frequency and add ML/ARD tests for better informed decisions
  • Clarify some of the requirements

Revisions to Protocol 22: Application of Vapour Attenuation Factors to Characterize Vapour Contamination were completed to:

  • remove one sentence that excluded the use of vapour attenuation factors for vapour investigation for soil relocation aligning with the Protocol 19 phase 1 amendments

Please contact if you have any questions.

Revisions will be made to the Soil Relocation Notification Form to align with the Protocol 19 amendments. Please send an email to if you have any questions about the revised form.


Update on Site Remediation engagement sessions for service enhancement

Two 'What We Heard' reports have been published on the govTogetherBC website.

These 2 reports summarize engagement sessions with the public and First Nations on proposed changes to site remediation core services and information requests.

This is the first project since 2007 to address a rising demand for site remediation services and more resources for service applications.

These engagement sessions enable people to provide feedback, which includes:

  • Simplifying and clarifying costs for services
  • Ensuring First Nations interests are considered
  • Improving how site registry information is accessed by the public, and
  • Ensuring fees are accurate

Thank you for participating in these sessions.


Updates to Protocol 2: Site-Specific Numerical Soil Standards and Protocol 28: 2016 Standards Derivation Methods

Protocol 2 and Protocol 28 have been updated on the Legislation and protocols page.

These protocols have been revised to align with the Contaminated Sites Regulation (CSR) Stage 14 amendments.

Protocol 2 revisions were completed to account for changes to:

  • The hardness footnotes in CSR schedule 3.1
  • Clarify that the groundwater protection model (GPM) is used for the shallowest unconfined aquifer only
  • Site-specific parameters must be from the same hydrogeological unit, and
  • Allow the minimum use of Protocol 2 at any contaminated site by changing the infiltration rate in the GPM to account for regional climate conditions

Protocol 28 revisions were completed to account for changes to:

  • The hardness footnotes in CSR schedule 3.1
  • Add footnotes that were removed from CSR schedules 3.1 to 3.4, and
  • Add, remove and revise acronyms

Provide input on the proposed changes to Protocol 19

Land Remediation has posted the proposed changes to Phase 1 of Protocol 19: Site Investigation and Reporting on the Legislation and protocols web page.

If you want to give feedback on the changes to Protocol 19, you can provide comments in 3 online forms also posted on the Legislation and protocols web page.

We ask that all feedback be submitted by April 26, 2024, end of day.


Register for a Protocol 19 engagement session

Land Remediation is hosting engagement sessions on the proposed changes to Phase 1 of Protocol 19: Site Investigation and Reporting.

During these sessions, ministry staff will provide:

  • An overview of the changes to Phase 1 of Protocol 19, and
  • An opportunity for attendees to ask questions about these changes


Register for the following engagement sessions.

  • Monday, March 25, 2024 from 2:00pm to 3:00pm PST:

Register for March 25, 2024

  • Wednesday, March 27, 2024 from 11:00am to 12:00pm PST:

Register for March 27, 2024


Preapprovals are changing. Register for the upcoming webinar to learn more.

Register for the upcoming webinar to learn more about changes to Protocol 6 and the situations requiring preapproval from the ministry director.


In response to government initiatives to streamline development processes, the ministry is changing the Protocol 6 preapproval process.

These changes will allow certain applications to be submitted with the recommendation of an Approved Professional without a preapproval.

The changes to situations requiring preapproval will allow:

  • More professional judgement in contaminated sites remediation
  • Streamlined service application processes by reducing decision points for non-high risk sites

This webinar will provide information about:

  • Changes under consideration for Protocol 6
  • Approved changes to the preapprovals web page

The new web page will be posted on April 1, 2024.


Register for the webinar on Wednesday, March 20, 2024 from 11:00am to 12:00pm PST:

Register for the Webinar


January to December 2023


Site Remediation service enhancements discussion paper and workshops

On behalf of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, VGN Resources Group is pleased to invite you to a virtual engagement session on the Site Remediation Service Enhancements.


The Site Remediation team would like to invite you to join us in a virtual public engagement session about the upcoming service enhancements. This is the first widescale review since 2007, initiated due to a rising demand for site remediation services and the need for more resources to handle service applications. The review provides an opportunity to simplify and clarify costs for services, ensure First Nations interests are reflected, align Site Registry information requests with the new Digital Site Remediation Services Project, and ensure fees are accurate for services and site information requests.

Meeting Details and Registration

Use the link below to register for one of the sessions. Both sessions will cover the same content.

Register for the event

Session 1: Tuesday, January 16, 2024 from 10am to 11.30am PST

Session 2: Thursday, January 18, 2024 from 10am to 11.30am PST

Once you have registered, the Zoom link and further details will be sent to your email address closer to the date of the session.


Administrative penalties for soil relocation and compliance management

The Administrative Penalties Regulation of the Environmental Management Act (EMA) has been amended to add penalties related to soil relocation provisions in the EMA and Contaminated Sites Regulation (CSR).

These amendments are now in force:

  • A person who contravenes EMA section 55 (1.1) or (1.3) or 55.1 (2) is liable to an administrative penalty not exceeding $75,000
  • A person who contravenes CSR section 46 (1) or 46.1 (1) or (7) is liable to an administrative penalty not exceeding $40,000

The ministry’s approach to managing compliance for soil relocation will be based on existing compliance and enforcement policy and will focus on promoting, verifying and enforcing compliance with the requirements in the EMA, the CSR, and Protocol 19.


Soil Relocation Information System (SRIS) volume reporting

The Soil Relocation Information System (SRIS) has a reporting error for some submissions of soil relocation notifications.

In cases where submissions included a comma in the soil volume section, the system only reported the digits before the comma:

  • For example: 10,700 cubic metres is reported as 10 cubic metres

The problem is being fixed and correct volumes will be shown for all submissions soon.


New expiry date for the groundwater protection model

The groundwater protection model has been updated with a new expiry date.

The new version will be in effect starting June 1, 2023. The protection model is used for Protocol 2 and Protocol 13.

Visit Technical guidance for site remediation to find the updated Technical Guidance 13: Groundwater Protection Model.


Amended protocols and technical guidance have been posted

The soil relocation changes to the Environmental Management Act (EMA) and the Contaminated Sites Regulation (CSR) came into effect on March 1, 2023.

As a result of the EMA and CSR amendments, minor consequential amendments were made to Protocols 1, 4, 6, 11, 12, 14, 17 and 22, and Technical Guidance 1, 5 and 14.

The protocols are posted on the Legislation and protocols page.

The technical guidance documents are posted on the Technical guidance for site remediation page.  


Learn how to use the Soil Relocation Information System (SRIS)

The SRIS allows Indigenous Peoples, local governments and other interested people to access information on soil relocation activity in B.C.

A video that provides an overview on how to use the SRIS has been posted on the soil relocation web page.

Learn how to:

  • Locate source sites, receiving sites and high volume sites
  • Download data
  • Subscribe to receive notifications about soil relocation in B.C.

Reports on discussion paper engagement

March 23, 2023

In 2022, the ministry received feedback during Indigenous and public engagement. This feedback has been summarized in 2 reports now available on GovTogetherBC.

The ministry is looking to improve the cleanup of contaminated sites that are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

In October and December 2022, consultation was done on a discussion paper detailing ideas for making contaminated sites climate ready that would amend provincial site remediation requirements to:

  • Include climate change adaptation and sustainability
  • Protect groundwater quality

Visit GovTogetherBC to learn more about the engagement process.


New soil relocation forms webinar

March 15, 2023

A new soil relocation forms webinar has been posted.

It provides an overview of:

  • The Soil Relocation Notification form
  • The High Volume Site Registration form
  • SRIS subscription form

New soil relocation web page is live

The soil relocation changes to the Environmental Management Act (EMA) and the Contaminated Sites Regulation (CSR) come into effect on March 1, 2023.

Visit the new soil relocation page to find out about the requirements for relocating non-waste soil from commercial or industrial Schedule 2 sites, including new online soil relocation forms.

Forms can be submitted now for soil movement on or after March 1, 2023.


Register for the Soil Relocation Information System (SRIS) webinar

The SRIS allows Indigenous Peoples, local governments and other interested people to access information on soil relocation notifications and high volume receiving site registrations.

Changes come into effect on March 1, 2023.

The webinar will provide an overview of the SRIS and how to find information on soil relocation for individual sites or larger areas, such as regional districts.



Soil relocation at high volume sites

February 14, 2023

High volume site requirements

Starting on March 1, 2023, when a site receives deposits of more than 20,000 cubic metres of commercial and/or industrial quality soil, a High Volume Site Registration form must be completed.

The form must be submitted by a Qualified Professional to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy.

High volume sites (HV sites) will also be required to follow additional requirements such as implementing a soil management plan. These must be:

  • Developed by a Qualified Professional
  • Signed by an Approved Professional

The soil management plan must have:

  • Containment measures
  • A groundwater monitoring plan
  • A system in place for keeping adequate soil records

Soil deposits at HV sites containing organic chemical substances are required to be more than 10 metres from a surface water body.

Calculating soil volume

When calculating the volume of commercial and/or industrial quality soil deposited on a receiving site, the amount deposited before March 1, 2023 does not count toward the HV site designation of 20,000 cubic metres.

Starting March 1, 2023, commercial or industrial quality soil deposited on a receiving site does count toward the HV site soil volume of greater than 20,000 cubic metres.

HV site requirements do not apply to:

  • Soil qualities including residential, urban park, agricultural or wildlands that are deposited on a receiving site
  • Soil being relocated for the purpose of:
    • Constructing or maintaining a highway, transit system, pipeline or sewage collection system
    • A drainage collection system that is below ground
    • A water distribution system
    • An electricity transmission or distribution system
    • A telecommunications line or tower
    • A right of way required for infrastructure previously described
    • Dikes, green shores or other structures constructed to prevent flooding or erosion

Updates to information on soil relocation and forms

February 14, 2023

In order to avoid project delays, mark your calendar for February 22, 2023, when new information about soil relocation as well as new forms will be posted.

The new forms are:

  • Soil Relocation Notification
  • High-Volume Site Registration

This will allow you to submit these forms one-week before you are relocating soil on and after March 1, 2023.


Soil relocation information system

February 14, 2023

The Soil Relocation Information System (SRIS) will go live on February 22, 2023. This will allow for one week notice of any soil being relocated on March 1, 2023.

The SRIS displays data about soil relocation and high volume receiving sites. 

The system also allows Indigenous Peoples, local governments and other interested persons to access information on soil relocation.

Webinars on the SRIS will be hosted in March, soon after the SRIS goes live.   


Revised Contaminated Sites Services Application Form

February 9, 2023

The Contaminated Sites Service Application form (CSSA) has been revised. Use this form if you are submitting applications for contaminated sites services.

The updates to the CSSA allow the ministry to collect information on applications related to developments that involve housing. This is in support of the new Permitting Strategy for Housing.

Housing development details have been added to section 7.2 of the form.

Visit Apply for Services or Site remediation forms to find the updated form.


Protocol 6 pre-approval application form no longer in use.

February 9, 2023

Protocol 6 pre-approval application forms are no longer needed.

When applying for a Pre-approval under Protocol 6, applications must include a completed Contaminated Sites Application (CSSA)(Online).

Visit Pre-approvals for more information.


Revised definition of a Qualified Professional in site remediation protocols

February 2, 2023

The Land Remediation Section has revised the definition of a Qualified Professional (QP) in 6 protocols to be inclusive of members of professional organizations who have relevant contaminated sites expertise.

The revisions were made in consultation with key interested parties and the Office of the Superintendent of Professional Governance. 

Updated protocols 1, 4, 9, 12, 13 and 20 will be found on the Legislation and Protocols page.

An updated Procedure 8 will be found on the Guidance and Resources page.


Register for webinars on the soil relocation forms

The soil relocation changes to the Environmental Management Act (EMA) and the Contaminated Sites Regulation (CSR) come into effect on March 1, 2023.

The changes include:

  • Requirements to provide notice of soil relocation, and
  • To register a high volume site through a website maintained by or on behalf of the minister

Notice of soil relocation must be provided using the Soil Relocation Notification Form (in CSR Schedule 8) and registration of a high volume site must be provided using the High Volume Site Registration Form (in CSR Schedule 8.1).

There will be 2 webinars to provide an overview of the Soil Relocation Notification Form and High Volume Site Registration Form.


The ministry will also be hosting webinars on the Soil Relocation Information System (SRIS) soon after it's launched.


New site investigation protocol for soil relocation

January 30, 2022

The ministry is developing a site investigation protocol to improve investigation quality and consistency.

The first phase of the protocol includes these criteria for the purpose of relocating non-waste quality soil:

  • Requirements for sampling
  • Testing soil and soil vapour for the purpose of relocating non-waste quality soil

These requirements are based on previous consultations, including technical working groups and a jurisdictional review. Requirements were presented in the Regulating Soil Relocation policy paper.

The protocol will support implementation of the CSR Stage 14 amendments and will be effective on March 1, 2023.

Review Protocol 19: Site Investigation and Reporting (PDF, 320KB) in advance of the implementation date in order to prepare for the upcoming changes.


New soil relocation webinar

January 17, 2023

A new soil relocation provisions webinar has been posted.

It describes the upcoming changes to provisions in the Environmental Management Act and the Contaminated Sites Regulation.

It also outlines the discussion paper on making contaminated sites climate ready. 


Updated links for online forms

January 17, 2023

As of January 11, 2023, links to online forms on Site remediation web pages have been updated.

All links now start with:

You may need to refresh your browser to see the new links. Don't forget to also update your bookmarks.

October to December 2022


Register for webinars on making contaminated sites climate ready and changes to the soil relocation provisions

November 18, 2022

The ministry is planning to amend the Environmental Management Act (EMA) and the Contaminated Sites Regulation (CSR) to support making contaminated sites climate ready.

The ministry has prepared a discussion paper that's open for comment. The paper summarizes ideas about remediation effectiveness in a changing climate and includes recently completed work in support of climate preparedness.

The deadline for providing comments has been extended to 4:00pm on December 23, 2022.

In addition, the ministry has amended the CSR to align with the amendments to EMA (Bill 3) regarding soil relocation.

The changes to EMA and the CSR come into effect on March 1, 2023.

These changes will:

  • Streamline the legal regime, making the process clearer
  • Improve the ministry’s ability to carry out compliance verification and enforcement

Two webinars explaining the discussion paper on making contaminated sites climate ready and the soil relocation changes to EMA and the CSR will be held on:

  • Wednesday, December 14, 2022 from 10:00am to 12:00pm, and
  • Thursday, December 15, 2022 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm


Wednesday, December 14, 2022 from 10:00am to 12:00pm

  • 10:00am to 11:00am: Soil relocation changes
  • 11:00am to 12:00pm: Making contaminated sites climate ready

Thursday, December 15, 2022 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm

  • 1:00pm to 2:00pm: Soil relocation changes
  • 2:00pm to 3:00pm: Making contaminated sites climate ready

Have your say about making contaminated sites climate ready

October 7, 2022

Get involved and have your say about the recently published discussion paper Making Contaminated Sites Climate Ready.

The paper summarizes ideas for remediation methods that ensure high effectiveness in a changing climate. It includes recently completed work in support of climate preparedness.

Visit GovTogetherBC to learn how to participate.

The paper has 2 main topics:​

  • How to incorporate climate change adaptation and sustainability into B.C.’s existing contaminated sites framework
  • What remediation requirements need to be strengthened to protect groundwater quality

​In developing the principles, key concepts and outcomes, the Ministry considered:

  • Climate Preparedness Adaptation Strategy (CPAS) objectives
  • The Ministry’s mandate
  • Messages heard through Indigenous engagement
  • Approaches of other governments
  • Land remediation experts

The consultation period closes at 4 pm on November 30, 2022.  

Upcoming webinar information will be provided through our Site remediation news email subscription service.


Site Registry access is moving from BC OnLine to BC Registries and Online Services in October

October 3, 2022

In October 2022, access to the Site Registry will move from BC OnLine (BCOL) to BC Registries and Online Services.

After the move, you won’t be able to access the Site Registry through BC OnLine (BCOL) and must login to the new BC Registries application. 

BCOL has advised current account holders of the upcoming change. Site registry users should  follow BCOL’s guidance on how to prepare for the change.

The Site Registry identifies properties with environmental records submitted under B.C.’s Environmental Management Act, Part 4 (Contaminated Site Remediation).

Seeking information on sites is an important part of making informed business decisions and can potentially limit environmental liability.

Now is also a good time to register for a BC Registries premium account or add the Site Registry product/service to your existing BC Registries account.


Contaminated sites learning series videos now available

October 3, 2022

Videos from the contaminated sites learning series are now available and can be accessed through Site remediation webinars.

The learning series’ purpose was to help enhance awareness and understanding of the contaminated site services application process.

The webinars are meant to be used as a reference only.

All requirements in the Environmental Management Act, Contaminated Sites Regulation and Director’s Protocols will supersede any details provided.

July to September 2022


Streamlined release options for site upgrades

September 23, 2022

The Land Remediation section is pleased to announce a policy change to streamline and reduce review time of release requests for site upgrades.

All release requests for site upgrades will now be considered under Scenario 1.

This change applies to sites with ongoing Schedule 2 uses that require municipal approvals to complete infrastructure upgrades.

Scenario 2 release notices will no longer be offered.

Visit the updated Release notices for more information.

We welcome feedback and questions at


New opportunities posted to BC Bid

July 22, 2022

Find out about these recent opportunities that are now posted on BC Bid:

Opportunity #4059: Engagement Services – writing and webinars

The ministry has published a request for qualifications and intends to compile a list of prequalified suppliers for consultation and engagement services including writing of policy documents and organizing and hosting webinars/workshops.

  • Closing date: Tuesday, August 9, 2022, 4 pm

Opportunity #4074: Jurisdictional scan and reporting services

The ministry has published a request for proposals for a contract to conduct a jurisdictional scan to determine how other relevant governments may regulate site investigation activities at contaminated sites.

  • Closing date: Tuesday, August 9, 2022, 2 pm

Interested persons are encouraged to review these opportunities in detail and submit electronic proposals through BC Bid.

April to June 2022


Order in Council approved for amendments to the Contaminated Sites Regulation (CSR) regarding soil relocation

June 8, 2022

The Order in Council for the Contaminated Sites Regulation (CSR) amendment was approved by Cabinet on June 1, 2022.

The Stage 14 CSR amendment will bring into force the changes to soil relocation legislation introduced in Bill 3: Environmental Management Amendment Act, which received Royal Assent on March 5, 2020.

The legislative amendments are designed to streamline the soil relocation process and improve ministry oversight.

Specific amendments to the CSR include provisions for:

  • A soil relocation notification form that must be submitted to the ministry
  • Exemptions from the soil relocation requirements including if the soil is relocated outside of B.C., when soil is used as winter-maintenance sand and when less than 30 m3 of soil is relocated per job
  • No high volumes of soil with prescribed organic substances allowed within 10 m of a water body
  • Requirements for high volume receiving sites including registration and a soil management plan and
  • Exemptions to the high volume site requirement for infrastructure including highways, transit systems, pipelines, water distribution systems and sewage collection systems

The changes address issues raised during initial consultation with industry, other ministries, local governments and Indigenous Nations across the province.

The new provisions will allow the ministry to focus on compliance verification and enforcement with the overall result of increased protection for human health and the environment.

The ministry is working on a comprehensive implementation plan to help industry, local governments, Indigenous Nations and others respond to the changes, including updated web page information, an online portal to allow submission and tracking of soil relocations, revised policy documents and training opportunities.

The CSR amendments were deposited on June 6, 2022. Changes to soil relocation come into effect on March 1, 2023.


New site remediation website launched May 31, 2022

June 8, 2022

The Land Remediation section is pleased to announce the launch of a new website with information and resources for remediation of sites.

This applies to properties previously used for commercial or industrial uses as described in Schedule 2 of the Contaminated Sites Regulation (CSR). The Site Remediation landing page remains the same.

The new web pages have been restructured to reflect the steps that a property owner or responsible person will follow to ensure their site is cleaned up as required under the Environmental Management Act (EMA) and the CSR.

The design is intended to improve user experience when searching for information on legal requirements, processes, forms and resources for site remediation.

Outdated and archival information has been removed and content previously found in some guidance and fact sheet PDFs has been moved to relevant web pages. 

Please update your regularly used bookmarks. We welcome feedback on the new structure and content at