Register to hire temporary foreign workers

Last updated on March 10, 2025

You must register to hire a temporary foreign worker in B.C.

Employers can hire foreign workers to fill temporary labour and skill shortages. In British Columbia, temporary foreign workers are protected from unfair employers and practices by the Employment Standards Act and Temporary Foreign Worker Protection Act.

Foreign worker recruiters must be licensed. Employers should ensure they only use licensed recruiters. Employers may have their registration cancelled or suspended for using a recruiter who is not licensed in B.C.

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Employers must follow these steps

To renew your registration, apply again through this same process.​

Apply for a certificate of registration

Employers who hire temporary foreign workers in B.C. are required by law to register with the provincial government.

You need to register if you intend to hire a temporary worker through most federal foreign worker programs, including:

Hiring a domestic worker

If you're an individual hiring a domestic worker, you also need to register the worker with the Employment Standards Branch within 30 days of hiring them.

Who does not need to register?

You do not need to register if you only plan to employ:

Register to hire foreign workers

Become a registered employer

If approved, employers are issued a certificate of registration valid for up to 3 years. The Director of Employment Standards has discretion over the period of time a certificate of registration remains valid.

It's against the law to hire a foreign worker with an expired certificate of registration. Employers must hold a valid certificate before hiring a foreign worker. If you hire additional foreign workers after your certificate expires, we may not renew your certificate.

If your application is not approved

We'll notify you in advance of the decision. After the decision is served, you have 30 calendar days to submit a request for reconsideration.

Applications can be refused if you

  • Provide incomplete, false, misleading or inaccurate information
  • Have not followed provincial or federal laws
  • Do not carry out business legally, honestly, with integrity or in the interest of the public

Search for a registered employer

The B.C. government keeps a public registry of employers that are registered to hire foreign workers. The registry lists each employer's name, the date they were registered as an employer and when their registration expires.

Find a registered employer

Labour Market Impact Assessments

Most employers need a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) from the federal government before they can hire a temporary foreign worker. An LMIA confirms that a temporary foreign worker is needed. The process also makes sure that no Canadians or permanent residents are available to do the job.

You need a certificate of registration from Employment Standards before you can get an LMIA.

Hire a temporary foreign worker

Employers who hire foreign workers in B.C. agree to uphold their obligations required by law.

An employer’s certificate of registration may be cancelled or suspended if they do not follow the law or if they act in a manner that is dishonest or unfair.

Follow the rules for employers

If you hire foreign workers in B.C., the law requires that you

You can clearly communicate to foreign workers what their rights are by posting and sharing this document:

You also need to:


Uphold your obligations under the law

Employers have obligations under the Temporary Foreign Worker Protection Act. They cannot:

Keep a foreign worker's money or documents

This means employers must not

  • Directly or indirectly charge any person other than an employer a fee or expense for recruitment services
  • Reduce the wages of a foreign worker, or vary, reduce or eliminate any other benefit or term or condition of a foreign worker's employment, in order to recover the expense of recruiting the foreign worker
  • Take a foreign worker’s passport or official documents

Threaten action without a legal basis

It's against the law for employers to threaten deportation or other action without a lawful cause.

Employers cannot take action against or threaten to take action against a person for participating in an investigation or proceeding by any government or law enforcement agency or for making a complaint or inquiry to any government or law enforcement agency.

Provide false or misleading information

Employers must not

  • Produce or distribute false or misleading information relating to recruitment services, immigration, immigration services, employment, housing for foreign workers or the laws of British Columbia or Canada
  • Misrepresent employment opportunities, including respecting a position, duties, length of employment, wages and benefits or other terms of employment

Keep signed employment contracts and accurate records

Employers must have a written contract with each temporary foreign worker. If a recruiter was used to hire the worker, keep a copy of the recruiter's contract as well.

Records must be kept in B.C. for at least four years. They must be made available for inspection upon request.

Employers must keep all records related to recruiting and hiring temporary foreign workers:

  • Signed contracts
  • Fees and expenses related to recruitment and hiring
  • The name, address and work location of each worker
  • Approval from the federal government to recruit and hire temporary foreign workers
  • All payroll records

Contact Employment Standards

The B.C. Employment Standards Branch administers the Temporary Foreign Worker Protection Act and Regulation.

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Call us toll-free: 1-833-236-3700

Outside of Canada or the U.S.A.: 1-604-660-2421

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