How and when your transcript information is sent will depend on the Post-Secondary Institutions and the options you are able to select in the StudentTranscripts Service.
The unofficial Transcript preview is shown during the ordering process, so you can review and ensure all course and grade information is correct prior to completing your request. Once you have placed your order on the StudentTranscripts Service (STS) website, your Official Transcript will be sent from the Ministry of Education and Child Care directly to your recipient.
Many B.C. and Alberta Universities and Colleges, as well as the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC), can now access an XML data transfer copy of your current official transcript as soon as you place an order. If you are a Grade 12 student and select "Send Updates," they will also be able to request ongoing updates to your transcript until the date you enter (the default date is one year). This includes any interim marks and registered courses that your school has already submitted.
B.C. Universities and Colleges
Alberta Universities and Colleges
Important: Ontario Colleges Application Service (OCAS) is not the same organization as the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre. OCAS receives final marks in July by regular mail service.
All other Post-Secondary Institutions (PSI) not listed above are sent transcripts by Canada Post regular mail service.
Grade 12 students can place a pre-order for their final, official transcript to be sent by mail to these institutions at the end of July. To place a pre-order, select “Send Final Marks when they become available.”
If you select “Send my printed transcript now,” the current version of your transcript will be sent by Canada Post regular mail after you place an order.
Here are some tips and steps to take if you are having trouble finding your Post-Secondary Institution in the drop-down order list.
You can send your official transcript in a password protected PDF to any email address you enter. Not all PSIs will accept the password protected PDF, so please review the instructions carefully.
A $10.00 CAD fee applies to all PDF orders.
You can also send your Official Transcript by mail to any address you enter by selecting "Send Paper Transcript (by Canada Post Mail) to a designated Third-Party Address."
If you are currently enrolled in or have completed a grade 10-12 course within the past six months, the $10.00 CAD fee is waived for your first order. Otherwise, a $10.00 CAD fee applies to all printed transcript orders.