Independent School Resources for Administrators

Last updated on April 1, 2022


The 2017/18 school year gives teachers and principals more time to work with the redesigned Grade 10-12 curriculum, which will be implemented at the beginning of the 2018/19 school year.

Find more curriculum-related support:

Online Learning (OL)

Special Education

Independent schools claim special needs categories on Form 1701 in September and February of each school year.

To ensure consistency and transparency in communication between school administrators and parent(s)/legal guardian(s) of funded special needs students, an Independent School Forms and Agreements - B.C. Ministry of Education and Child Care Parent/Guardian Confirmation Form is required annually for each student claimed for special education funding or who is on an IEP.


SET-BC services to independent schools are limited to students claimed for supplementary special education funding in Category A, B, C, D, E or G, and the student’s access to the curriculum is restricted by his/her disability.

Schools that have a student(s) who may qualify for SET-BC services must apply by submitting a SET-BC Screening Checklist from FISA BC’s Forms and Applications page. Submission details and contact information are included on the checklist.

ARC-BC (alternate format materials)

External Evaluations