First aid for supervisors

Last updated on March 19, 2025

Supervisors must ensure first aid services are provided at their workplace.

Supervisors' responsibilities are:

  • Completing a first aid needs assessment
  • Providing required first aid equipment, facilities, supplies and services
  • Making sure employees are aware of first aid services and procedures
  • Making sure first aid attendants' schedules permit adequate coverage during regular work hours
  • Always having adequate first aid attendant backup when necessary
  • Making sure first aid attendants have been trained, tested and re-certified as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation
  • Checking that the communication methods for summoning a first aid attendant are effective and tested at least once a year
  • Ensuring the first aid assessment is reviewed annually
  • Making sure that the appropriate financial allowance level is paid to Level 2 or 3 first aid attendants. Read more at Licenses and Certificates
  • Consulting with the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee on first aid services and issues

Supervisors may also delegate these tasks to others as needed.

The Corporate Learning Branch offers occupational health and safety orientation for line managers and supervisors in both online and instructor-led formats. Register at the Learning System.

Watch this informational video to understand how to conduct the first aid assessment for the new requirements.

Useful Contacts

Can’t find what you need? Submit an AskMyHR (IDIR restricted) service request. Submit a request using the options Myself > Workplace Safety >Safety Training and Support.
If you're a government employee without an IDIR, call the BC Public Service Agency to submit your service request.