Continuous service

Last updated on January 18, 2024

'Years of continuous service' is the amount of time an employee has been continuously employed by the BC Public Service.

It's one of the factors of merit and must be considered.

The requirements for considering and assessing continuous service are different depending on whether the vacancy being staffed is covered by the BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU), BC's Union for Professionals (PEA), BC Nurses' Union (BCNU) or Queen's Printer/Unifor collective agreements, or is excluded. 

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A year of service is based on the anniversary of the employee's date of hire. As long as recall rights are maintained, both auxiliary and regular employees receive credit for each completed year of service.

Credit is based on the original hire date, regardless of how many hours the employee has worked in the time period. Partial years of service are not counted.

This definition of a year of service only applies to the calculation of the continuous service merit factor for competitions.

The completed years of service are calculated from the final date of paneling, when the hiring panel identifies a successful candidate, and not the closing date of the competition.


Continuous service for the BCGEU and PEA vacancies must be specifically assessed.

It's calculated using the formula outlined in the 17th Main Agreement (PDF, 3.6MB), Article 12.3 (b) and the PEA 15th Master Agreement (PDF, 3MB), Article 12.03 (c).

All other positions

For all other positions (such as Queen's Printer/Unifor, BCNU and excluded) you must decide whether you'll consider years of continuous service in your competition.

You're not required to make continuous service the deciding factor.

If you choose not to consider years of continuous service, you must document your rationale. The formula used is the same as BCGEU's.

The BC Public Service Agency will verify and calculate years of continuous service, whether or not you're working with us on your competition.

Contact AskMyHRIDIR restricted for assistance by submitting a service request using the categories A Hiring Manager > Hiring Process > Assessment & Selection.


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If you have any questions about continuous service, submit an AskMyHR (IDIR restricted) service request using the categories A Hiring Manager > Hiring Process > Assessment & Selection.