Road safety data

Last updated on February 28, 2024

The goal of RoadSafetyBC and its partners is to end deaths and serious injuries on British Columbia’s roads. The data published on this page supports that goal.

RoadSafetyBC data in DataBC’s catalogue
DataBC’s data catalogue helps users to find, understand and explore data. Visit it for data found in some of the RoadSafetyBC reports shown below.

Motor Vehicle Related Fatalities: 10-Year Statistics for British Columbia

Motor Vehicle Related Crashes, Injuries and Fatalities: 10-year Statistics for British Columbia  [PDF, 978KB] reports on fatalities from 2013 to 2022.

Motor Vehicle Related Fatalities: 10-Year Statistics for British Columbia [PDF, 448KB] reports on fatalities from 2012 to 2021.

Motor Vehicle Related Fatalities: 10-Year Statistics for British Columbia [PDF, 18.1MB] reports on fatalities from 2011 to 2020.

Data in the report is from B.C.'s Traffic Accident System, ICBC and Transport Canada. Efforts are made to reconcile Traffic Accident System (TAS) data with BC Coroners Service data. Fatality data may differ between TAS and the BC Coroners Service because BC Coroners Service data also includes fatalities that occurred more than 30 days after an injury was sustained as a result of a motor vehicle crash.

There updates contain less detail regarding various contributing factors, vehicle types and occupants as these details are now readily available in an interactive filterable format on ICBC's Quick Statistics.

B.C. uses the data to determine if its road safety initiatives are working and to identify possible future actions. Police and other stakeholders use it for enforcement strategies and public education campaigns.

Previous versions of the report are here:

Alcohol‐related motor vehicle fatalities in British Columbia

British Columbia introduced the Immediate Roadside Prohibition Program in 2010. Its goal was to reduce impaired driving fatalities by 35% by the fall of 2013. It met that goal but has continued tracking alcohol-related fatalities since then.

Administrative Alcohol and Drug Related Driving Prohibitions

Administrative Alcohol and Drug-Related Driving Prohibitions – September 2010 to December 2023 reports the number of administrative alcohol and drug-related driving prohibitions given to drivers in BC. This includes immediate roadside prohibitions (IRP) and administrative driving prohibitions (ADP). This report shows data for past years and monthly data for the current calendar year. An updated report will be available on a quarterly basis.

British Columbia alcohol driving prohibitions–1998 to 2013

DataBC has data on administrative alcohol-related driving prohibitions from 1998 to 2013, including data on immediate roadside prohibitions and administrative driving prohibitions.

The data is by prohibition duration, type, month and year served. 24-hour prohibitions and Criminal Code alcohol-related driving prohibitions are not included.

Reviews for British Columbia alcohol driving prohibitions–1998 to 2013

DataBC has data on RoadSafetyBC's reviews of alcohol-related driving prohibitions in B.C. between 1998 and 2013.

The data is by successful and unsuccessful review, immediate roadside prohibition, administrative driving prohibition, and month and year.

Intersection safety camera statistics

RoadSafetyBC posts intersection safety camera statistics to the web each quarter. Find them on the Intersection Safety Camera webpages.

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