Manage your personal or business information in eTaxBC

Last updated on January 17, 2025

You can manage your personal or business information in eTaxBC by:

Change your profile information

To change your eTaxBC profile information, such as your name, email, phone number or authentication email:

  1. Log on to your eTaxBC account
  2. Select Manage My Profile
  3. Select the change you would like to make
  4. Make your changes
  5. Select OK

Change your business name

You must have Full Access to change the legal name of your business.

To change the legal name of your business OR to change your business operating name (DBA):

  1. Log on to your eTaxBC account
  2. Select More...
  3. In the Names and Addresses panel, select Manage Names and Addresses
  4. Select your Legal Name OR select your DBA Name
  5. Select Change this name
  6. Make your changes
  7. Select Next
  8. Select Submit

To add your DBA if you do not have a DBA name already:

  1. Log on to your eTaxBC account
  2. Select More...
  3. In the Names and Addresses panel, select Manage Names and Addresses
  4. Select Add next to DBA
  5. Enter your DBA
  6. Select Next
  7. Select Submit

A request for the change will be submitted to us and your information will be updated once it’s processed. We will contact you if additional information or documentation is required to complete your request.

Change your address

You can change your mailing or location address for your:

The address should be updated within 1 to 2 business days. However, if we're experiencing high volumes it may take longer for your change(s) to appear. To view the status of your request, go back to the homepage and under More..., in the Submissions panel, select Search Submissions. Once you've requested a change, you won't be able to edit the request until it has been processed. You may, however, delete the request and submit a new one.

Note: A location address is the physical location of your business. A mail address is where correspondence will be sent.  Any changes you make will only impact that specific account.

Business entity (legal entity), a specific tax account, or a non-tax account

To change any of these addresses:

  1. Log on your eTaxBC account
  2. Select More...
  3. In the the Names and Addresses panel, select Manage Names and Addresses
  4. Select the Addresses tab
    1. To change the location address:
      1. Select the address next to Location of Business in the Defaults, a specific tax account, or a non-tax account panel
      2. Select Change this address
      3. Complete the changes in the form
      4. Select Next
      5. Select Submit
    2. ​To change the mailing address:
      1. ​Select the address next to Mailing in the Defaults, a specific tax account, or a non-tax account panel
      2. Select Change this address
      3. Complete the changes in the form
      4. Select Next
      5. Select Submit
    3. ​To add a location address:
      1. Select add next to Location of Business in the Defaults, a specific tax account, or a non-tax account panel
      2. Complete the changes in the form
      3. Select Next
      4. Select Submit
    4. ​To add a mailing address:​
      1. Select add next to Mailing in the Defaults, a specific tax account, or a non-tax account panel
      2. Complete the changes in the form
      3. Select Next
      4. Select Submit

Property tax accounts

To change your mailing address:

  1. Log on to your eTaxBC account
  2. Select View Folio for the account you would like to update
  3. Select the Names and Addresses tab
  4. Select the mailing address you would like to update
  5. Select Change this address
  6. Complete the form
  7. Select Next
  8. Select Submit

Update your PST site locations

To update your PST site locations:

  1. Log on to your eTaxBC account
  2. Select View Returns or View Account in the appropriate account
  3. Select Add or update locations
  4. Add or update the current locations associated with the account. Select the Remove checkbox beside any site location you wish to remove
  5. Select Next
  6. Select Submit

You can review your sites on the Site Locations tab at the account level.

Request temporary or permanent closure of your business

To request temporary or permanent closure of your business:

  1. Log on to your eTaxBC account
  2. Select View Returns or View Account for the appropriate account
  3. Select Close this account
  4. Complete the form
  5. Select Submit

The program account should be closed within 1 to 2 business days. However, if we're experiencing high volumes it may take longer for your change(s) to appear. To view the status of your request, go back to the homepage and under More..., in the Submissions panel, select Search Submissions.

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Learn more about eTaxBC

eTaxBC is a convenient online service that allows you to manage your account, file returns, make payments and communicate with ministry staff.

Find out more about eTaxBC and what types of accounts are available.

Contact information

Our eTaxBC help desk is available on weekdays from 8:30 am - 4:20 pm Pacific Standard Time.