Unit crews

Last updated on May 17, 2023

bc wildfire service unit crews firefighters

When wildfires exceed the capacity of initial attack resources, 20-person unit crews are deployed to conduct sustained action. They perform a variety of functions, such as fire suppression, burn operations, establishing pump and hose lines and removing fuel and danger trees.

Unit crew personnel

​There are 30 unit crews spread across the province. Crews may be deployed outside their home region to assist on large incidents.

Unit crews are usually deployed for 14 days at a time. While on deployment, unit crews may work in remote forestry environments and camp near the fireline, or in established fire camps.

BC Wildfire Service fire camp in the Cariboo fire centre

At a fire camp, firefighters and other staff often reside in tents. Camps also contain catering, first aid, sheltered eating areas, washrooms with showers and workspace for management and administrative staff.

All unit crews are led by four unit crew leaders and one supervisor. At least one crew member also has advanced first aid certification. 

The main difference between unit crews and initial attack crews is that they tend to be deployed to larger incidents for longer periods of time.

Employment & contract opportunities
BC wildfire service unit crew

Apply for a position with the BC Wildfire Service, or get information on how to offer your services to the BC Wildfire Service as a contractor.

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