Mineral Titles News, Notices and Announcements

Last updated on July 11, 2024

Latest news and announcements from the Mineral Titles office.

Archived News, Notices and Announcements

July 11, 2024 – Amendment to Hay-na Mining Deferral Area and the Lax K’naga Sts’ool Mining Deferral Area.

On July 6, 2024 the mining deferral area orders under the Environment and Land Use Act for Ehattesaht Nation and Gitxaala Nation territories (Deferral Area) were replaced with new orders (Mining Deferral Area (Gitxaala Hay-na) Order and Mining Deferral Area (Ehattesaht Hay-na) Order).

The July orders continue all the limitations on mining activities that were contained in the March mining deferral area orders until February 21, 2029 (the Deferral Period).  All mineral tenures that are entirely or partially within the Deferral Area in the July order are subject to the limitations on mining activities. 

The July order continues the ability of claim holders, by means of notice to the chief gold commissioner at least 7 days and no more than 30 days before the expiry date of a claim, to be granted a one-year extension to the expiry date of the claim.

In addition, the July order contains the following new provisions that deal with concerns raised by claim holders that the March mining deferral area order negatively affected the condition of their claims at the end of the Deferral Period.  These new provisions ensure that

  • The anniversary year of a claim at the end of the deferral will be the same as it was entering into the Deferral Period, and
  • The period of time before a claim expires at the end of the deferral will be the same as it was entering into the Deferral Period plus 6 months.


For more information and links to the previous orders, please see the March 8, 2024 notice.

July 11, 2024 – Notice to Tenure Holders: Mineral Deferral Area (North Coast) Order

Effective July 6th, 2024, the Mineral Deferral Area (North Coast) Order under the Environment and Land Use Act has established a three-year pause on the registration of new mineral and placer claims in the North Coast Mineral Deferral Area.

July 3, 2024 -   Abandonment and Reduction Events Are Now Available in MTO

Please note that these events are now available for users in MTO. You may now abandon or reduce your claims without assistance from the Mineral Titles Branch. If assistance is required please send a request to mineral.titles@gov.bc.ca for further help.

July 3, 2024 - Mineral Titles Online planned outage on July 5, 2024

Mineral Titles Online will be unavailable on July 5th, 2024, from 8:00 am to 10:00 am for maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

June 13, 2024 - Next Cell Release Scheduled for July 4, 2024 at 1:00 PM PDT

Below are links to the mineral and placer lists of cells key ID’s that will be released.  The cells contained on these lists may be from titles where:

  • A title forfeited due to the expiry of a time extension before the title was brought into good standing;
  • A title forfeited because an exploration and development work event was reduced or cancelled (section 33 orders) and the resulting amount of maintenance was insufficient to keep the title in good standing; or
  • A cell being made available due to a previous incorrect status.

Please note that these lists of cell key ID’s are subject to change.

Mineral Cell Key ID’s

Placer Cell Key ID’s

June 10, 2024 – Yale Panning Reserve Reopened

The Yale Panning Reserve was closed in September 2023 due to a reported sighting of a silvery metallic liquid at the site suspected to be mercury. Since then, Fraser Health Authority has worked with BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) and the Mineral Titles Branch to collect soil and sediment samples on the site to inform a human health risk assessment.  No visible mercury was identified during the sampling visits. Analysis of the soil and sediment samples found levels of mercury contamination to be low and within Canadian guideline limits.  The assessment suggests that the risk of potential adverse health effects for individuals visiting the site for recreation is low. As a result of the assessment, the Yale Panning Reserve is now open for the public to use for recreational hand panning. The reserve is one of fourteen sites designated for the public to use for recreational hand panning. For more information about panning reserves and recreational panning, please visit:


Elemental or metallic mercury is a shiny, silver-white metal that is liquid at room temperature. It may be present in the environment. Although levels of heavy metals in the environment are generally low in British Columbia, even exposures to low levels can result in negative health effects. For more information about the hazards of mercury exposure please see the BCCDC site:


If you observe any substance that you suspect could be mercury, do not touch it.  Please immediately report it to the Mineral Titles Branch, Mineral.titles@gov.bc.ca or if outside a panning reserve, to Fraser Health Authority.

May 13, 2024 - Transitioning Period Set for Jade Mining in Northwestern B.C.

On May 10, 2024, the Province established an Environment and Land Use Act order, prohibiting jade mining activities on new tenures in Northwest B.C.

Current tenure holders listed in the Order will be able to continue jade mining for five years with enhanced reclamation requirements. The Order is limited to jade mining activities in Northwest B.C. and does not impact other mining operations in the region, nor does it affect existing or new jade tenures in other areas of B.C.

The cumulative impact of jade mining in Northwest B.C. is causing harmful effects to sensitive alpine environments and creating significant regulatory challenges for permitting, compliance and enforcement. The Order is needed to protect the area from further harm and disturbance.

For further information regarding the Order, please see the May 10, 2024 Information Bulletin.

The Order can be found on the BC Laws website.

March 18, 2024 - Mineral Titles Online

Mineral Titles Branch is pleased to announce that the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation will be updating Mineral Titles Online (MTO) with more modern technology. Work to upgrade our technology is starting soon and more details will be provided as this work moves forward. MTO is the online registry of mineral, placer mineral and coal tenures in BC. For future announcements, please follow News, Notices and Announcements on the Mineral Titles Branch website.

Why is MTO being replaced?

  • MTO was implemented in 2005. Over the years, as technology has advanced, users have complained that the system has not kept up accordingly.
  • In spring of 2023, Mineral Titles Branch hired EY Canada to complete a service design project assessing MTO. The findings of the project confirmed that “the application has limited functionality and utility, with no capacity for improvement or innovation”.
  • In the Declaration Act Action Plan released in 2022, the Province committed to modernize the Mineral Tenure Act in consultation and cooperation with First Nations and First Nations organizations. Changes to MTO are needed so that the digital system is to be ready to implement future legislative changes.
  • On September 26, 2023, the British Columbia Supreme Court (in Gitxaala v British Columbia) declared that the provincial Crown’s conduct in establishing an online system allowing automatic registration of mineral claims without creating a system for consultation breaches the obligations of the Crown to First Nations.
  • The ruling requires the Province to establish a consultation regime (or for the province to amend legislation) within 18 months.

As the online registry for mineral, placer, and coal tenures, the new MTO must:

  • Continue to provide a reliable and trusted registry for mineral, placer and coal claims, leases and notices. This is foundational to ensuring a responsible mining exploration and development industry in the province.
  • Contain the functionality and capability to respond to future needs, including changes to the MTA developed through consultation and collaboration with First Nations, and engagement with Industry.
  • Support reconciliation and strengthen government-to-government relationships with First Nations.
  • Meet the needs of users now and in the future. MTO users will be engaged in the system replacement.
  • Improve transparency, confidence, and user satisfaction.

For more information about Mineral Tenure Act modernization, please visit https://engage.gov.bc.ca/mtareform/

For information about the Mineral Titles Online system development, please visit News, Notices and Announcements

Donna Myketa
Chief Gold Commissioner and Executive Director
Mineral Titles Branch

March 8, 2024 - Moratorium in the Ehattesaht Hay-na Mining Deferral Area and the Lax K’naga Sts’ool Mining Deferral Area.

On March 7, 2024, orders were made under the Environment and Land Use Act to establish a five-year moratorium on certain mining activities within the Ehattesaht Hay-na Mining Deferral Area and the Lax K’naga Sts’ool Mining Deferral Area, as well as an indefinite pause on the registration of new mineral and placer claims in those areas. 

The moratorium restricts existing tenure and permit holders from engaging in mining activities, with exceptions allowed for reclamation, monitoring, protection, control, or treatment efforts.  

For further information regarding the moratorium, please see the March 2024 press release. 

For additional information on reforming the  Mineral Tenure Act, please see the March 7, 2024, update. 
