Search basics (module 2, pg 2)

Last updated on June 25, 2024

This Module introduces the user to how the search functions look and work. It is recommended to begin your learning with Search Basics which will discuss how to use the search functions, what the buttons mean and how to enter data.

On this page

Where to find search forms

  1. On the SPAR homepage click on the Search or Lot Info tab depending on the kind of information you seek.
  2. Select a search form from the list. (The list depicted here is from the Lot Info menu.) 
    • image of what the search list looks like in SPAR
  3. View the form. If it is not the one you want click on the Search or Lot Info tab again and select another form.
    • TIP: Two of the more commonly used Search forms are the sample searches included in this Module: Seedlot Searches and Suitable Seed/Vegetative Lot.

How to use the search function

  1. See if the search form contains mandatory fields. Most mandatory fields are marked by an asterisk. You will find these on many of the search forms in Lot Info. If uncertain, check the Help page for the specific form to see if there are mandatory fields.
  2. Complete any mandatory fields first to avoid receiving error messages.
  3. Enter any additional data you have. This will narrow the search.
    • TIP: Each form is designed so that you can enter minimal data and still generate search results. The more search fields entered, the more precise your search result becomes.
  4. Click the Search button. Your results show up in the bottom half of the search form.
  5. If several records match your criteria you may need to scroll to view all of them. If there are more results than can be displayed on one page, then a multiple pages icon appears. (See sample below.) Select the Next and Previous links to view the additional results. 
    • search results page number list

What the search buttons mean

Button Purpose
Search for data to enter into the field the button sits beside. Use it when you are not sure of what data to enter.
Generate your results for a Search.
Display results of a query. It is similar to the Search button.
Find out more information about the row of data that it accompanies.
Find out more information about data it accompanies. It is an abbreviation of "Details".

For a comprehensive list of buttons and navigation see SPAR's online Help Guide's chapter on Getting Started. (Click on the Help icon in the upper right corner on Spar's homepage.)

How to enter data

You'll enter data in 2 ways:

  1. Dropdown lists and
  2. Text fields.

If you are having trouble entering data, see Module 1: Getting started - tips for more information.

Contact information

If you are having problems using SPAR and can't find the answers in this Tutorial or on SPAR's online Help Guide, contact: