Intentions Papers

Last updated on May 23, 2024

Engagement on the following is now complete:

As of January 1, 2024, the Low Carbon Fuels Act and the above regulations are now in force. 

Aviation Fuel Regulation Update

The Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation (Ministry) gives its thanks to those involved in past engagement regarding the expansion of the Low Carbon Fuel Standard to include aviation fuels.

After considering the feedback received, the Ministry has incorporated changes to the carbon intensity reduction schedule and exemption threshold.

The Aviation Fuel Regulation Update (PDF, 141KB) outlines the changes made following the publication of the Aviation Fuel Regulation Intentions Paper on April 6, 2023 and further engagement on the new regulations.

Aviation Fuel Regulation Intentions Paper

The purpose of the Aviation Fuel Regulation Intentions Paper - April 2023 (PDF, 218KB) was to discuss the inclusion of aviation fuel in the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS). The paper presented the types of aviation fuels subject to the LCFS. It also detailed renewable requirements and carbon intensity targets. The fuel characteristics, penalty rates, and exemption criteria were also defined.

Thank you to all that participated.

Technical Requirements Intentions Paper

The purpose of the Technical Requirements Intentions Paper - December 2022 (PDF, 513KB) was to discuss the technical aspects of the New Act and New Regulations and to solicit feedback. In particular, the paper discussed how compliance units (currently called credits and debits) will be calculated under the New Act. The new formula was presented along with new and updated variables to be used in the formula. The new formula, variables, and default values were created in response to updated data and technology advancements.

Thank you to all that participated.