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General forms for landlords and tenants
RTB-1: Residential Tenancy Agreement (PDF, 933KB) June 2023
- A Residential Tenancy Agreement is an important legal contract between a landlord and a tenant that outlines the terms of the tenancy. This tenancy agreement template accurately reflects the Residential Tenancy Act
RTB-5: Manufactured Home Site Tenancy Agreement (PDF, 2MB) December 2017
- A Manufactured Home Site Tenancy Agreement is an important legal contract between a park owner and the manufactured home owner that outlines the terms of the tenancy for the site. This Tenancy Agreement templates accurately reflect the Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Act
RTB-27: Condition Inspection Report (PDF, 1.6MB) April 2022
- Use this form to record the condition of a rental unit when a tenant moves in and out of a rental unit
RTB-22: Notice of Final Opportunity to Schedule a Condition Inspection (PDF, 1.7MB) March 2021
- Landlords must use this form when a tenant was not available at the date(s) and time(s) offered to complete an inspection
RTB-8: Mutual Agreement to End a Tenancy (PDF, 1.6MB) June 2022
- Use this form when both parties agree to end a tenancy
RTB-26: Schedule of Parties (PDF, 557 KB) September 2024
- Attach this form with the additional names of tenants or landlords
RTB- 56a Notice of Manufactured Home Park Rule Change – No Park Committee (PDF, 146KB) (April 2024)
RTB - 56b. Notice of Manufactured Home Park Rule Change – Park Committee (PDF, 146KB) (April 2024)
RTB - 57. Additional Manufactured Home Park Rule Changes (PDF,103KB) (April 2024)
Other forms for landlords and tenants
RTB-7: Notice of Rent Increase - Residential Rental Units (PDF, 636KB) August 2024
- Landlords must use this form to notify tenants of rent increases
RTB-52: Application for Additional Rent Increase (PDF, 1,142KB) July 2021
RTB-53-P1: Notice of Additional Rent Increase - Eligible Capital Expenditures (Phase 1) (PDF, 331KB) January 2022
- This form must be used to issue a notice of rent increase to the tenant(s) only after the landlord has successfully applied for an additional rent increase for eligible capital expenditures
- The accompanying form, RTB-53-P1D, must be attached to this form with the details of the rent increase
- You can complete the RTB-53-P1D form manually or use the Phase 1 Additional Rent Increase Calculator to complete and generate the RTB-53-P1D form.
RTB-53-P1D: Notice of Additional Rent Increase – Eligible Capital Expenditures (Phase 1 Details) (PDF, 331KB) January 2022
- This form must be used to issue a notice of rent increase to the tenant(s) only after the landlord has successfully applied for an additional rent increase for eligible capital expenditures
- You can complete this form manually or use the Phase 1 Additional Rent Increase Calculator to complete and generate the RTB-53-P1D form.
RTB-53-P2: Notice of Additional Rent Increase – Eligible Capital Expenditures (Phase 2) (PDF, 474KB) June 2023
- This form must be used to issue a notice of rent increase to the tenant(s) only after the landlord has:
- The accompanying form RTB-53-P2D must be attached to this form with the details of the rent increase
- You can complete the RTB-53-P2D form manually or use the Phase 2 Additional Rent Increase Calculator to complete and generate the RTB-53-P2D form.
RTB-53-P2D: Notice of Additional Rent Increase – Eligible Capital Expenditures (Phase 2 Details) (PDF, 344KB) July 2024
- This form must be used to issue a notice of rent increase to the tenant(s) only after the landlord has successfully applied for an additional rent increase for eligible capital expenditures
- You can complete the RTB-53-P2D form manually or use the Phase 2 Additional Rent Increase Calculator to complete and generate the RTB-53-P2D form.
RTB-53-P3: Notice of Additional Rent Increase - Eligible Capital Expenditures (Phase 3) (PDF 140KB) June 2024
- This form must be used to issue a notice of rent increase to the tenant(s) only after the landlord has:
- The accompanying form RTB-53-P3D must be attached to this form with the details of the rent increase
RTB-53-P3D: Notice of Additional Rent Increase - Eligible Capital Expenditures (Phase 3 Details) (PDF 137KB) June 2024
- This form must be used to issue a notice of rent increase to the tenant(s) only after the landlord has successfully applied for an additional rent increase for eligible capital expenditures
RTB-45: Notice of Standard Rent Increase – Manufactured Home Site (PDF, 270KB) September 2024
- Manufactured home park landlords must use this form, or RTB-11A, to notify tenants of rent increases
RTB-11A: Notice of Rent Increase - Manufactured Home Site - (auto-calculating version) (PDF, 282 KB) August 2024
- Manufactured home park landlords must use this form to notify tenants of rent increases above the standard amount
- Check the bottom of page one to be sure that you have the correct version (if an older version shows, clear your browser cache)
- RTB-11A is only compatible with the Google Chrome browser. Please ensure you have the latest version of Google Chrome downloaded in order to properly view and use the form. The form will not work with Firefox or Microsoft Edge. Tenants and landlords can also pick up forms or apply at Service BC locations.
RTB-35: 45 Day Notice of Availability. (PDF, 242 KB) July 2021
- Landlords can use this form when a tenant has exercised their right of first refusal to enter into a new tenancy agreement, and it is at least 45 days before the completion of the renovations or repairs, to notify a tenant of the unit's availability
RTB-24: Notice Terminating or Restricting a Service or Facility (PDF, 1738 KB) March 2021
- Landlords must use this form to terminate or restrict a service or facility to a rental unit or manufactured home site
RTB-49: Ending Fixed-Term Tenancy Confirmation Statement (PDF, 242KB) January 2021
Standard dispute resolution forms
Landlords and tenants
RTB-17: Application to Waive Filing Fee (PDF, 677 KB) May 2024
- Use this form to request waiving the fee for filing a dispute resolution application
RTB-51: Address for Service (PDF, 510KB) March 2021
- This document is used to provide an email address for service of documents
RTB-55: Proof of Service Notice of Dispute Resolution Proceeding (PDF, 788KB) (January 2025)
- This document is used to prove service of the dispute resolution package
RTB-9: Proof of Service Notice of Expedited Hearing (PDF, 586 KB) February 2022
- This document is used to prove service of the Expedited Hearing Proceeding Package
RTB-43: Digital Evidence Details (PDF, 597KB) February 2023
- For parties submitting digital evidence like photos, videos or audio recordings on a digital device
RTB-37: Monetary Order Worksheet (PDF, 1480 KB) June 2011
- Use this form to present evidence related to an application that involves a monetary order
RTB-26: Schedule of Parties (PDF, 557 KB) March 2021
- Attach this form with the additional names of applicants or respondents
RTB-42O: Other Request to Amend an Application for Dispute Resolution to change address, add or remove a party or remove a claim (PDF, 639KB) February 2025
- Landlords and tenants can use this form to add or remove a party, remove an existing claim or change a service address
- To add a related claim or change an existing claim, tenants can use form RTB-42T and landlords can use form RTB-42L
RTB-36: Request Alternate Dispute Resolution Hearing or Facilitated Settlement Format (PDF, 600 KB) March 2025
- A party to a hearing may use this form to request that a hearing be held in an alternate format
RTB-12L-CT: Landlord's Application for Dispute Resolution (Current Tenancy) (PDF, 1250 KB) August 2024
- Landlords with tenants who are currently living in the unit can use this form to apply for dispute resolution in order to resolve a residential tenancy dispute
RTB-12L-PT: Landlord Application for Dispute Resolution (Past Tenancy) (PDF, 976 KB) May 2023
- Landlords with tenants who are no longer living in the unit can use this form to apply for dispute resolution in order to resolve a residential tenancy dispute
RTB-34: Proof of Service Notice to End Tenancy and Written Demand to Pay Utilities (PDF, 263 KB) August 2024
- Landlords can use this form to prove that a notice was served properly
RTB-12L-EXH: Landlord's Application for Dispute Resolution Expedited Hearing (PDF, 1030 KB) September 2023
- Landlords must use this form to apply for an expedited hearing for emergency matters, where urgency and fairness necessitate shorter service and response time limits
RTB-12L-O: Landlord Application for Dispute Resolution (Other) (PDF, 579 KB) January 2021
- Landlords can use this form to apply for an order of possession because the rental unit is uninhabitable, or for the tenant to follow the manufactured home park rules, or to apply for an issue not found on the Landlord’s Application for Dispute Resolution (RTB-12L-CT or RTB-12T-PT). This form must be accompanied by an Application for Dispute Resolution
RTB-42L: Landlord Request to Amend an Application for Dispute Resolution (PDF, 735KB) August 2024
- Landlords must use this form to amend an application for dispute resolution
RTB-18: Landlord's Request to Join Applications for Dispute Resolution (PDF, 1781 KB) March 2021
- Landlords may use this application to request 2 or more related dispute resolutions be heard together
RTB-12T-CT: Tenant Application for Dispute Resolution (Current Tenancy) (PDF, 1250 KB) August 2024
- Tenants who are currently living in the unit where the dispute took place can use this form to apply for dispute resolution in order to resolve a residential tenancy dispute
RTB-12T-PT: Tenant Application for Dispute Resolution (Past Tenancy) (PDF, 1077, KB) March 2022
- Tenants who no longer live in the unit where the dispute started can use this form to apply for dispute resolution in order to resolve a residential tenancy dispute
RTB-12T-EXH: Tenant Application for Dispute Resolution Expedited Hearing (PDF, 1030 KB) September 2023
- Tenants must use this form to apply for an expedited hearing for emergency matters, where urgency and fairness necessitate shorter service and response time limits
RTB-12T-O: Tenant Application for Dispute Resolution (Other) (PDF, 673 KB) January 2021
- Tenants can use this form to determine if the Tenancy Branch has jurisdiction over a dispute, apply for an order of possession because the rental unit is uninhabitable or if an issue or claim is not found on the Tenant’s Application for Dispute Resolution (RTB-12T-CT or RTB-12T-PT). This form must be accompanied by an Application for Dispute Resolution
RTB-42T: Tenant Request to Amend an Application for Dispute Resolution (PDF, 790KB) August 2024
- Tenants must use this form to amend an application for dispute resolution
RTB-19: Tenant's Request to Join Applications for Dispute Resolution (PDF, 1802 KB) March 2021
- Tenants may use this application to request two or more related dispute resolutions be heard together
Direct request dispute resolution forms
RTB-12L-DR: Landlord Application for Dispute Resolution Direct Request (PDF, 898 KB) March 2022
- After serving the 10 Day Notice to End Tenancy for Unpaid Rent or Utilities RTB-30, landlords can use this form to apply for an Order of Possession and a Monetary Order for Unpaid Rent or Utilities when the tenant has neither paid the amount owing nor applied to the Residential Tenancy Branch to cancel the notice within 5 days of receiving it
RTB-46: Landlord Direct Request Worksheet (PDF, 632KB) October 2015
- Landlords can use this form to present evidence related to an application for direct request for an Order of Possession and a Monetary Order for Unpaid Rent or Utilities
RTB-34: Proof of Service Notice to End Tenancy and Written Demand to Pay Utilities (PDF, 263 KB) March 2021
- Landlords can use this form to prove that a notice was served properly
RTB-44: Landlord's Proof of Service Direct Request Proceeding (PDF, 549KB) November 2022
- This document is used to prove service for a Direct Request Proceeding
RTB-12T-DR: Tenant Application for Dispute Resolution - Direct Request for Return of Security or Pet Damage Deposit (PDF, 898 KB) March 2022
- Tenants may use the Direct Request process to apply for an Order to Pay Deposits when the landlord has not paid the amount owing within the time period required
RTB-40: Tenant Direct Request Worksheet (PDF, 898 KB) August 2024
- Tenants can use this form to present evidence related to an application for direct request for return of deposits
RTB-41: Tenant Proof of Service of Forwarding Address (PDF, 630KB) March 2021
- Tenants can use this form to prove that the Notice of Forwarding Address (RTB-47) was served properly
RTB-50: Tenant's Proof of Service for a Direct Request Proceeding (PDF, 111KB) February 2023
- This document is used to prove service for a Direct Request Proceeding
RTB-47: Tenant Notice of Forwarding Address (PDF, 640KB) March 2021
- Tenants can use this form to provide the landlord with their forwarding address in writing
Other dispute resolution forms for landlords and tenants
RTB-2: Application for Review Consideration (PDF, 645 KB) March 2025
- Use this form to apply for review of an arbitrator's order or decision
RTB-13: Application for Substituted Service (PDF, 707 KB) July 2023
- Use this form to request an arbitrator to order documents be served in a method other than those required by the Residential Tenancy Act
RTB-21: Confirmation of Service of Monetary Order for Enforcement in Provincial Court (PDF, 217 KB) January 2022
- This document is used to swear that the respondent(s) to a residential tenancy dispute was served
RTB-38: Request for Clarification (PDF, 600 KB) January 2021
- Use this form to request that an arbitrator clarify a decision
RTB-6: Request for Correction (PDF, 710 KB) July 2023
- Use this form to request that an arbitrator correct any obvious error or inadvertent omission
RTB-54: Request for a Hearing Recording (PDF, 372KB) March 2025
- Use this form to request a recording of a hearing
Ending a tenancy forms
RTB-30: 10 Day Notice to End Tenancy for Unpaid Rent or Utilities (PDF, 248 KB) March 2021
- Landlords must use this form to issue a notice to end tenancy for unpaid rent or utilities.
RTB-33: One Month Notice to End Tenancy (PDF, 658 KB) November 2021
- Landlords must use this form to issue a notice to end tenancy for certain reasons
RTB-32Q:Two Month Notice to End Tenancy because the Tenant does not quality for a Subsidized Rental Unit (PDF, 590 KB) July 2024
RTB-33s:One Month Notice to End Tenancy for Cause by a Strata Corporation (PDF, 181) May 2023
RTB-29: Four Month Notice to End Tenancy for Demolition or Conversion of the Rental Unit to Another Use (PDF, 845 KB) July 2024
- Landlords must use this form to issue a notice to end tenancy for demolition or conversion of a rental unit that require the unit to be empty
- If wanting to end a tenancy for renovation or repairs landlords must apply here
RTB-31: 12 Month Notice to End Tenancy for Conversion of Manufactured Home Park (PDF, 242 KB) March 2021
- Manufactured home park landlords must use this form to issue a notice to end tenancy when they are going to convert all or a significant part of the park to a different purpose
RTB-8: Mutual Agreement to End a Tenancy (PDF, 1.6MB) June 2022
- Use this form when both parties agree to end a tenancy
RTB-34: Proof of Service Notice to End Tenancy and Written Demand to Pay Utilities (PDF, 263 KB) March 2021
- Landlords can use this form to prove that a notice was served properly
RTB-58 Contract of Purchase and Sale Information (PDF, 299 KB) January 2025