Training - EBUS.03

Last updated on February 27, 2019

Prior to accessing any ministry health information exchange system, users must receive training that includes software function and features, and related policy, procedures and business rules.

Your software provider will provide all training and materials related to your software, such as how it functions and its unique features. Training may be delivered in a variety of forms, such as: individual hands-on instruction, class/group hands-on instruction, seminars, webinars/videos, self-paced paper-based training, a train-the-trainer program or peer training.

Training material may include application-specific information, training plans, documented scenarios and/or user guides.


Where software providers have implemented a train-the-trainer program, the trainer will be responsible to ensure training is provided to all users at the point of service (including temporary staff) before they access any ministry health information exchange system.

Where organizations train their staff, their trainers must be fully trained in the software's function and features, and related policy, procedures and business rules. You may request training for all trainers (e.g., super users) and their replacements from your software provider.

Training Evaluation

Training is evaluated by collecting information from participants regarding their level of satisfaction with the training they received, the scope and effectiveness of the training and if they were able to apply learned skills at their workplace.

The feedback received through the evaluation allows the trainer to identify ways in which training content and methodology can improve to ensure that participants are provided with the right skills and knowledge to carry out their roles. Therefore, it is important that everyone who receives training from the software provider receive an evaluation feedback form.