Educational Material - EBUS.04

Last updated on January 27, 2022

The Ministry of Health has developed education materials related to the topics identified in your training. The materials encompass policy, procedure or business rules relating to the interaction with the ministry's health information exchange systems.

You will review these materials as an integrated part of your training; your software provider will provide them through references or links embedded in your training materials.

Prior to accessing ministry production systems, you must read the education materials applicable to your point of service and the exchange services being implemented (e.g., PharmaNet and Provincial Laboratory Information Solution).

To ensure you always have up-to-date education materials you are not to duplicate any of the education materials without permission from the ministry. The most current materials are available from the ministry's web site.

To receive notification of changes to ministry-provided education materials, subscribe for updates on the ministry's web site.

Education Material Assessment

Evaluation of the ministry's education materials enables us to identify how we can improve it. To help make these documents better, direct your feedback to

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