'Last updated' and 'publication date' in CMS Lite

Last updated on January 29, 2024

CMS Lite allows users to change the automatic "Last updated" date to a manual "Publication date". This feature should be used sparingly and with caution.

On this page

Default setting: "Last updated" date

The "Last updated" date appears automatically on each page, reflecting the date the page was published. This feature helps page visitors see how current the page content is.

Warnings and guidance

While CMS Lite offers the flexibility to change the "Last updated" date to a "Publication date," it's important to use this feature cautiously. The default setting serves as a transparent indication of how recently the page has been updated, reflecting ongoing maintenance and currency.

Use sparingly

Use the "Publication date" only for content related to policy or legislation where the specific date is critical. It's generally best to keep the automatic "Last updated" date, even if you are only making minor edits. Small text changes are part of maintaining the site, and users should be aware of these.

Risks of overriding

Manually setting the "Publication date" can lead to future inconsistencies, especially if it's not updated with subsequent changes. Future editors may not be aware that the date has been overridden. If this occurs, the page risks appearing stale or outdated, even if it is being actively maintained.

Reflect active maintenance

By not overriding the date, users ensure consistency and transparency about the currency of the page content. Keeping the automatically updated date helps convey that the site content is fresh and actively maintained. 

Important warning: If you manually change the date, you create the risk of not having future updates reflected in the page's publish date. To keep the date current, future editors would need to manually view the Metadata tab and update or remove the "Publication date".

Changing the "Last updated" date to "Publication date"

"Last updated" can be changed to "Publication date". The publication date is manually set in CMS Lite and does not automatically update when the page is published or re-published.

Changing the date:

  • Alters the wording from "Last updated on" to "Publication date:"
  • Changes the date displayed on the page to the publication date entered in the metadata tab
  • Requires editors to manually update or remove the date for future updates

Changing the date can create unnecessary risks. Before changing the automatic "Last updated" to the manual "Publication date", review the guidance and warnings.

To override the default "Last updated" date to a manual date:

  1. Go to CMS Lite's metadata tab
  2. Add or change the date in the "Publication date" field
  3. Save the page; include a note about changes made
  4. Publish the page

To return to the automatically updated "Last updated" date:

  1. Go to CMS Lite's metadata tab
  2. Remove the date in the "Publication date" field
  3. Save the page; include a note about changes made
  4. Publish the page