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A temporary Housing Stability Supplement (HSS) may be provided to an eligible family unit in certain scenarios if there is a temporary absence of member of the family unit from the usual place of residence or there is a death of a member of the family unit. The amount that may be provided is up to the maximum combined shelter and support allowance (or equivalent) at the rate prior to the temporary absence from the usual place of residence or death.
Effective: August 1, 2024
When a family unit member is temporarily absent from their usual place of residence [see Procedures – Determining a Temporary Absence for Housing Stability Supplement] or there is a death of a family unit member, recipients may require temporary additional supports to maintain living arrangements. The ministry may provide a Housing Stability Supplement (HSS) to or for a family unit that is eligible for income assistance, disability assistance, or hardship assistance if there are actual shelter costs that need to be maintained during these circumstances. Recipients are responsible for requesting the HSS. Applicants are not eligible to request the HSS unless the temporary absence or death occurred in the month immediately preceding the month of application (see Policy- Eligibility: Temporary Absence or Death in the Month prior to Application).
The HSS maintains income assistance, disability assistance, or hardship assistance up to the rate provided prior to the temporary absence from the usual place of residence or death, subject to actual shelter costs. The HSS should not be provided for the month in which assistance has already been provided if the amount of assistance included the temporarily absent or deceased member of the family unit.
The HSS may be provided to eligible family units for up to three consecutive months. If extenuating circumstances exist, a supervisor may provide the HSS for up to an additional three consecutive months for a total of six months. These limitations apply to all scenarios except for where a child is being cared for under the Child, Family, and Community Service Act (CFCSA) [See Policy- Scenarios and Extenuating Circumstances].
Each scenario is subject to these limitations (excluding a child cared for under the CFCSA), however, changes from one eligible scenario to another [See Policy- Scenarios and Extenuating Circumstances] may reset this time limit. For example, a person’s spouse is in a special care facility and the HSS has been provided for two months and there is a death of the spouse in the facility. The time limit for the HSS would reset and the remaining spouse may be provided the HSS for an additional three months as the scenario for HSS has changed. Only changes in scenario types may result in resetting the time limit. The time limit may not be reset if the HSS is requested for the same scenario for the same person.
If it is determined the family unit member will be absent from the usual place of residence on a long term (6+ months) or permanent basis (excluding deceased scenario), the HSS should not be provided or continued.
Effective: August 1, 2024
Where the temporary absence or death occurs in the month immediately preceding the month of application, the HSS may still be provided to recipients once eligible for assistance. This does not apply to incarcerated singles as they are not eligible to apply for assistance.
Example 1: An individual enters a special care facility on January 15th and then applies for assistance on February 1st. The HSS may be provided in February (once found eligible for assistance) to maintain their usual place of residence.
Example 2: A spouse in a couple passes away January 15th. The remaining spouse applies for assistance February 1st. The HSS may be provided in February (once found eligible for assistance) to maintain the usual place of residence.
Effective: June 12, 2023
The HSS may be provided for up to three months in the following scenarios:
The HSS may be provided for up to an additional 3 months in extenuating circumstances, which may include, but are not limited to:
For more information on how to assess a temporary absence, see Procedures – Determining a Temporary Absence for Housing Stability Supplement.
The HSS may be provided if a child within the family unit is being cared for under the Child, Family, and Community Service Act (CFCSA). There are no time limitations for this scenario [See applicable scenario below]. Additional information about specific scenarios can be found below.
A member of the family unit is in a Special Care Facility
When a member of a family unit is receiving treatment temporarily in a special care facility [See Related Links- Support, Shelter & Special Care Facilities] and has actual shelter costs to maintain while receiving treatment, they may be eligible for the HSS. The HSS is available to single or larger family unit sizes.
A member of the family unit is in a private hospital or is hospitalized receiving extended care
When a member of a family unit is in a private hospital (e.g., nursing home or convalescent home) or is hospitalized and receiving extended care [See Related Links- Support, Shelter & Special Care Facilities] and has actual shelter costs to maintain while receiving treatment, they may be eligible for the HSS. This does not apply to temporary acute hospitalizations. Temporary acute hospitalizations may continue to receive the support and/or shelter allowance applicable to the family unit. The HSS is available to single or larger family unit sizes.
A member of the family unit has been temporarily incarcerated
When a member of a family unit is temporarily incarcerated and has actual shelter costs to maintain, the family unit may be eligible for the HSS. The HSS is available to single or larger family unit sizes. Incarceration means any lawful place of confinement, such as federal or provincial correctional institution, jail, lockup, prison, halfway house or camp.
Singles/Family Unit Contains only Incarcerated Persons
In cases where the family unit consists of a single individual or all members are incarcerated, the case will only be eligible for the HSS and is no longer considered to be in receipt of income assistance, disability assistance or hardship assistance. The family unit must continue to meet eligibility for income assistance, disability assistance, or hardship assistance in order to be eligible for the HSS (e.g., monthly reporting requirements, financial eligibility) with the exception that their incarceration does not affect this eligibility.
No other forms of assistance or supplements may be provided on behalf of incarcerated clients.
As the single individual is not receiving income assistance, disability assistance or hardship assistance, or any other supplement, no repayment agreements, promises to repay, or assignment of benefits are required.
A child within the family unit is being cared for under the Child, Family, and Community Service Act (CFCSA)
When a dependent child is temporarily cared for under the Child, Family, and Community Service Act (CFCSA), the Housing Stability Supplement (HSS) may be provided to maintain actual shelter costs. Temporarily being cared for under the CFCSA includes an interim order or temporary custody order or an agreement under section 6, 7, or 8 of that Act. A Ministry of Children and Family Development social worker must confirm that the child is being cared for under the CFCSA and that the parent is actively working on the return of the child.
Confirmation is required every six months from a social worker that the parent is actively working on the return of the child.
The HSS may continue until one of the following occurs:
Death of a Member of the Family Unit
When there is a death of a member of the family unit, the HSS may be provided if there are remaining family unit members and there are actual shelter costs to maintain.
Effective June 12, 2023
An eligible family unit is eligible to receive the smaller of the following amounts determined through Calculation A and B (Cannot be less than 0):
See specific case examples in procedures.
Effective March 1, 2023
The income and assets of all family unit members, including those on whose behalf the Housing Stability Supplement is provided, are to be considered for the purposes of determining eligibility and the amount of assistance for the family unit.
Effective March 1, 2023
If a member of a family unit returns to the usual place of residence, the family unit should be assessed for assistance based on their current circumstances.
Effective June 12, 2023
When a member of a family unit is temporarily absent from the usual place of residence where they were receiving room and board, only the room portion will be considered as the actual shelter cost to maintain. The client should discuss their situation with their landlord to inquire if they will accept a lower amount during their absence as food will not be provided during this time. The reduced amount will be treated as rent and HSS may be provided to maintain actual shelter costs.
If the landlord is not willing to accept a lower amount and is requesting full room and board during the client’s absence, supervisors are to submit a Policy Interpretation and Exception Request (PIER) including details of the situation.
Effective June 12, 2023
When a dependent child is temporarily cared for by someone that is not part of the family unit (e.g., extended family/friend) while a single parent is temporarily absent from the usual place of residence, HSS may be provided to maintain the actual shelter costs of the single parent (the dependent child will still be considered part of the family unit). Ministry staff must confirm that the child is being cared for during the parent’s temporary absence. If staff feel the child may be neglected or not cared for during the client’s absence while in treatment, staff should discuss their concerns with their supervisor and/or contact the Ministry of Children and Family Development (see Related Links- Protection of Children). If the dependent child is 18 years old, the support in lieu of the Canada Child Benefit may continue to be provided if they remain a part of the temporarily absent parent’s case (See Related Links- Child Benefits Top-Up Supplement).
If the dependent child is 17-18 years of age, they may be eligible for assistance as an underage applicant on their own file (see Related Links- Underage Applicants). If the dependent child is no longer part of the temporarily absent parent’s family unit, they should not be included in the HSS calculation determined for the parent.
In these situations, supervisors are to submit a Policy Interpretation and Exception Request (PIER) and include circumstances surrounding the care of the child in the client’s absence.
Effective: March 1, 2023
Note: this procedure does not apply to scenarios when a child within the family unit is being cared for under the Child, Family, and Community Service Act (CFCSA) or a member of the family unit is deceased.
The Housing Stability Supplement (HSS) is calculated based on the benefit rates prior to the temporary absence from the usual place of residence or death depending on actual shelter costs. A temporary absence means that the person intends to return to their family unit and place of residence within 3 months. For absences longer than 3 months but less than 6, the family unit must request HSS again at 3 months and be reassessed for extenuating circumstances. Confirmation of the duration of the temporary absence is required.
Note: If the duration of the temporary absence changes to longer than 6 months, the family unit is obligated to advise the ministry and they are no longer eligible to continue receiving HSS.
Note: If the permanent place of residence of the family unit is a special care facility, the ministry may continue to maintain their user charges if they are temporarily absent from the facility for one of the HSS scenarios [See Policy – Scenarios and Extenuating Circumstances]. For example, a recipient’s usual place of residence is a licensed mental health facility and they are admitted to a 3-month licensed substance use treatment facility, the HSS can be provided to maintain their usual place of residence at the licensed mental health facility.
Effective: March 1, 2023
The process to calculate the Housing Stability Supplement (HSS) for a member of the family unit who is absent from their place of residence due to being temporarily in a special care facility, in a private hospital or hospitalized receiving extended care are noted in the case examples.
For information on initial admittance or discharge to a special care facility, see Related Links - Support, Shelter & Special Care Facilities.
For more information on how to assess a temporary absence, see Procedures – Determining a Temporary Absence for Housing Stability Supplement.
For scenario specific case examples with calculations, see Procedures – Case Example Calculations.
Effective: March 1, 2023
Verify the incarcerated member of the family unit is intending to return to their place of residence in less than 3 months.
For more information on how to assess a temporary absence, see Procedures – Determining a Temporary Absence for Housing Stability Supplement.
For scenario specific case examples with calculations, see Procedures – Case Example Calculations.
Singles/Family Unit Contains only Incarcerated Persons
When the family unit consists of a single individual or all members of the family unit who are temporarily absent from their place of residence due to incarceration:
Couples Where One is Incarcerated
When the family unit consists of a couple where only one member of the family unit is temporarily absent from their place of residence due to incarceration:
Effective: Effective: March 1, 2023
When a child is temporarily cared for under the Child, Family, and Community Service Act (CFCSA) (temporarily being cared for under the CFCSA includes an interim order or temporary custody order or an agreement under section 6, 7, or 8 of that Act), a Ministry of Children and Family Development social worker will notify our ministry staff. The family may maintain their actual shelter costs using the Housing Stability Supplement (HSS) while the child has been temporarily removed from the case. If the family unit is eligible, the HSS will be provided on an ongoing basis, 6 months at a time. Confirmation is required every six months from a social worker to confirm that the parent is actively working on reunification.
When a child is initially living outside of the parental home and ministry is notified by the Ministry of Children and Family Development that the child is cared for under CFCSA:
Six-Month Monitoring
To provide on-going HSS to the family unit while the child is temporarily cared for under CFCSA, the Ministry of Children and Family Development must provide confirmation that the parent(s) are actively working on reunification. The confirmation process is every six months and starts on month five after issuing HSS so that the ministry has received the confirmation from the Ministry of Children and Family Development by month six. The temporary HSS will continue while confirming with the Ministry of Children and Family Development.
For scenario specific case examples with calculations, see Procedures – Case Example Calculations.
Change to Child Status Prior to Six-Month Confirmation
There may be changes to the child’s status prior to the six-month window of confirmation such as:
In each of these situations, if there is a change to the child’s status prior to the six-month window of confirmation, the Ministry of Children and Family Development social worker will send a CF3471 notification to the ministry worker. The temporary HSS will be discontinued and the case will be updated with appropriate information.
Effective: March 1, 2023
Verify the assistance rate of the remaining family unit will not cover their actual shelter costs and they require the Housing Stability Supplement (HSS) to maintain their current place of residence due to the change in assistance rate. The recipient must be notified of maximum duration HSS can be issued to support their situation. If their actual shelter costs are equal to or lower than their new family unit rate of assistance, they are not eligible for HSS and have the right to reconsideration. If their actual shelter costs change within the HSS 3 month duration and their actual shelter costs are higher than their new family unit rate of assistance, HSS can still be issued for the remainder of the 3 months.
For scenario specific case examples with calculations, see Procedures – Case Example Calculations.
Effective: August 1, 2023
A client has been in receipt of income assistance for several months and is admitted into the facility January 15 and will remain there until February 28. The client would like to maintain their place of residence ($600 rent) while in the facility.
January assistance (issued at the end of December): Because the client received their full income assistance for January at cheque issue, they are not eligible for the HSS or the comforts allowance in January. The daily user charge for January 15 – 31 may be issued to the facility, assuming the client resides at the facility for this period of time. January assistance does not count as 1 of their 3 months of HSS eligibility.
February assistance (issued at the end of January): The client is eligible for the HSS to maintain their place of residence. On cheque issue, $600 would be issued as the HSS. A comforts allowance of $115 is also provided. The daily user charge for February 1 – 28 would be issued to the facility, assuming the client resides at the facility for this period of time. February assistance counts as month 1 of HSS eligibility. If they extend their stay, HSS can be issued for 2 more months (2 more cheque issues).
HSS Calculation :
An eligible family unit is eligible to receive the smaller of the following amounts determined through Calculation A and B:
The amount of HSS provided in this situation is $600 as shown in Calculation A (Calculation A
A client has been in receipt of income assistance for several months and is admitted into a special care facility August 12 and will remain there until November 13. The client would like to maintain their place of residence ($950 rent) while in the facility.
August assistance (issued at the end of July): Because the client received their full income assistance for August at cheque issue, they are not eligible for the HSS or the comforts allowance in August. The daily user charge for August 12 – 31 may be issued to the facility, assuming the client resides at the facility for this period of time. August assistance does not count as 1 of their 3 months of HSS eligibility.
September assistance (issued at the end of August): The client is eligible for the HSS to maintain their place of residence. On cheque issue, $945 would be issued as the HSS. A comforts allowance of $115 is also provided. The daily user charge for September 1 - 30 would be issued to the facility, assuming the client resides at the facility for this period of time. September assistance counts as month 1 of HSS eligibility. HSS can be issued for 2 more months (October and November, 2 more cheque issues).
HSS Calculation:
An eligible family unit is eligible to receive the smaller of the following amounts determined through Calculation A and B:
The amount of HSS provided in this situation is $945 as shown in Calculation B (Calculation B
A client has been in receipt of disability assistance for several months and is admitted into a special care facility September 12 and will remain in the facility until December 13. The client would like to maintain their place of residence where they pay Room and Board ($1000) however the landlord will accept $700 while the client is in the facility as they will not be providing meals to the client during this time.
September assistance (issued at the end of August): Because the client received their full income assistance for September at cheque issue, they are not eligible for the HSS or the comforts allowance in September. The daily user charge for September 12 – 30 may be issued to the facility, assuming the client resides at the facility for this period of time. September assistance does not count as 1 of their 3 months of HSS eligibility.
October assistance (issued at the end of September): The client is eligible for the HSS to maintain their place of residence. On cheque issue, $700 would be issued as the HSS. A comforts allowance of $222 is also provided. The daily user charge for October 1 - 31 would be issued to the facility, assuming the client resides at the facility for this period. October assistance counts as month 1 of HSS eligibility. HSS can be issued for 2 more months (November and December, 2 more cheque issues).
HSS Calculation:
An eligible family unit is eligible to receive the smaller of the following amounts determined through Calculation A and B:
The amount of HSS provided in this situation is $700 as shown in Calculation A (Calculation A
If the client is in receipt of the $52 transportation supplement they continue to be eligible for this supplement while in treatment.
The family unit has been in receipt of income assistance for several months. One member checks into a facility January 15 and will remain in the facility until February 28. The family unit would like to maintain their place of residence ($600 rent) while the member is in the facility.
January assistance (issued at the end of December): The family unit received their full income assistance for January at cheque issue, therefore they are not eligible for the HSS or the comforts allowance in January. The daily user charge for January 15 – 31 may be issued to the facility, assuming the client resides at the facility for this period of time. January assistance does not count as 1 of their 3 months of HSS eligibility.
February assistance (issued at the end of January): The family unit is eligible for the HSS to maintain the place of residence. The family member residing in their place of residence is eligible for the support and shelter rate based on the change in the family unit’s circumstances (single person rate). On cheque issue, the family unit would be issued a shelter allowance ($500) and a support allowance ($560) and the HSS of $100. A comforts allowance of $115 is provided on behalf of the family member residing in the treatment facility. The daily user charge for February 1 – 28 would be issued to the facility, assuming the client resides at the facility for this period of time. February assistance counts as month 1 of HSS eligibility. If they extend their stay, HSS can be issued for 2 more months (2 more cheque issues).
HSS Calculation:
An eligible family unit can receive the smaller of the following amounts determined through Calculation A and B:
The amount of HSS provided in this situation is $100 as shown in Calculation A (Calculation A
A client has been in receipt of income assistance for several months and is incarcerated January 15 and will remain incarcerated until February 28. The client would like to maintain their place of residence ($600 rent) while incarcerated.
January assistance (issued at the end of December): Because the client received their full income assistance for January at cheque issue, they are not eligible for the HSS in January. January assistance does not count as 1 of their 3 months of HSS eligibility.
February assistance (issued at the end of January): The client is eligible for the HSS to maintain their place of residence. On cheque issue, $600 would be issued as the HSS. No support, shelter or other supplements may be provided. February assistance counts as month 1 of HSS eligibility.
HSS Calculation:
An eligible family unit can receive the smaller of the following amounts determined through Calculation A and B:
The amount of HSS provided in this situation is $600 as shown in Calculation A (Calculation A
The client has been in receipt of income assistance for several months and the child is taken into care January 15 and will remain in care until February 28. The client would like to maintain their place of residence ($600 rent) while the child is in care.
January assistance (issued at the end of December): Because the family unit received their full income assistance for January at cheque issue, they are not eligible for the HSS in January. January assistance does not count as 1 of their 3 months of HSS eligibility.
February assistance (issued at the end of January): The client is eligible for the HSS to maintain their residence while the child is in care. The parent is eligible for the support and shelter rate based on the change in circumstances. On cheque issue, $100 would be issued as the HSS. The parent would also be issued a shelter allowance ($500) and a support allowance ($560). February assistance counts as month 1 of HSS eligibility. HSS will be issued for 5 more months (5 more cheque issues) until the 6 month monitoring review period.
HSS Calculation:
An eligible family unit is eligible to receive the smaller of the following amounts determined through Calculation A and B:
The amount of HSS provided in this situation is $100 (Calculation A).
A client has been in receipt of income assistance for several months and is admitted into a special care facility March 2 and will remain in the facility until June 13. The dependent child is being cared for by their grandparents while they are in the facility. The client would like to maintain their place of residence ($850 rent) while in the facility.
March assistance (issued at the end of February): Because the client received their full income assistance for March at cheque issue, they are not eligible for the HSS or the comforts allowance in March. The daily user charge for March 2- 31 may be issued to the facility, assuming the client resides at the facility for this period of time. March assistance does not count as 1 of their 3 months of HSS eligibility.
April assistance (issued at the end of March): The client is eligible for HSS to maintain their place of residence. On cheque issue, $850 would be issued as the HSS. A comforts allowance of $115 is also provided. The daily user charge for April 1 - 30 would be issued to the facility, assuming the client resides at the facility for this period of time. April assistance counts as month 1 of HSS eligibility. HSS can be issued for 2 more months (May and June, 2 more cheque issues).
HSS Calculation:
An eligible family unit is eligible to receive the smaller of the following amounts determined through Calculation A and B:
The amount of HSS provided in this situation is $850 as shown in Calculation A (Calculation A
Effective: August 1, 2024
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