My Self Serve

Last updated on March 21, 2025

My Self Serve gives you secure, 24/7 access to:

  • Apply for assistance
  • View your income or disability assistance information

On this page:

Your My Self Serve information is current when you log in. It shows what the ministry currently has on file. Your assistance information may not be up-to-date if:

  • You haven’t submitted your monthly report (also referred to as a "stub")
  • Your monthly report hasn't been processed

You can access My Self Serve from a personal computer, laptop or mobile device. It’ll work best if you're using the current version of:

  • Google Chrome
  • Safari
  • Firefox
  • Internet Explorer

It's best to clear your browser cache (history) and cookies before using My Self Serve. Otherwise, you may not be able to upload documents or your screen could freeze. Refer to your browser’s help site for instructions.

Register for My Self Serve

  1. Go to My Self Serve
  2. Select "Create an Account"
  3. Choose one of the four options depending on whether you are applying yourself or with help
  4. Select “Continue”
  5. Complete the Personal Information section and provide your Social Insurance Number (SIN) and email address
  6. Indicate if you are applying or reapplying 
  7. If you have an open case, select “Open Case” and answer the verification questions
  8. If you are applying with a spouse, include their information at the same time
  9. Select “Continue” to submit your registration
  10. Check your email account for the confirmation link
  11. Click on the email confirmation link, which will take you back to My Self Serve page
  12. Follow the instructions on the My Self Serve page (these will be the same steps for your spouse):
    • Create a 4-digit personal identification number (PIN) to use as your electronic signature
    • Review the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
    • Tick the box to agree
    • Select “Continue”
  13. Determine if you already have a Basic BCeID, or if you need to create one
    • A BCeID is an ID that lets you securely access your government services online with a single ID and password
    • You'll need to use the same user ID and password for all systems to use these online services
    • You may already have a Basic BCeID if you're registered to use other portals like My Self Serve and/or WorkBC Online Employment Services
    • If you've forgotten your BCeID or password, do not re-register for a new one, reset your BCeID online
    • Select "Login"
    • Select “Forgot your user ID or password?” and follow the steps
  14. If you already have a BCeID (these will be the same steps for your spouse):
    • Select “Use your BCeID”
    • Enter your BCeID and password to complete your My Self Serve registration
  15. If you don’t have a BCeID (these will be the same steps for your spouse): ​
    • Select “Get a BCeID”
    • Select “Register for a Basic BCeID”
    • Follow the instructions to create your BCeID and password
    • Visit BCeID’ s Frequently Asked Questions for more information

When you've finished creating your BCeID, select “Continue to My Self Serve".

If you're currently on assistance, we'll let you know when your registration is complete. This will take about two to three business days.

If you're applying for income assistance, follow the instructions to apply for assistance.

The B.C. government is committed to protecting your privacy. My Self Serve is secure and private. It's important you never share your BCeID password or personal PIN with anyone.

Apply for assistance

You can log in and continue your application after you've finished registering.

  1. Sign in to My Self Serve. You may have to wait about five minutes for the system to update
  2. Select the Service Request page:
    • On a desktop/laptop: in the menu on the left
    • On a mobile device: in the drop down menu
  3. Select “Create Service Request”
  4. Select “Application for Assistance” and choose yourself as the applicant
  5. Complete the application
    • You can upload identification and requested documents as you complete the application. Or, you can give them to us another way—by fax, mail, or in person. Uploading your documents online helps us assess and complete your application quickly
  6. Once you have completed your application, sign it with your 4-digit PIN
    • If you are applying with a spouse, they will need their own basic BCeID and My Self Serve account. They will have to follow the instructions to sign the application with their own PIN

View and submit your monthly report

Select the "Monthly Report" tab in the main menu. Here you can:

  • Complete and submit your monthly report by the fifth day of each month
  • Add supporting documentation to your report
  • View the last 12 months of reports you submitted online
  • Check the status of your report
  • Sign your monthly report. (This is completed on your file’s “key player’s” profile. Both you and your spouse will need to sign it with your 4-digit PINs)

After you submit your monthly report you can't change it online. Contact us if you need to update your information.

If you submit your monthly reports on paper, you can't view them online. But, your financial assistance information will update after we process your monthly report.

If you have a spouse, you will need to complete the monthly report together as one report. Your spouse will need to have their own basic BCeID and My Self Serve account. They can then sign within your monthly report with their own personal PIN.

View or change your account information

Select the "Account Information" tab in the main menu. Here you’ll see your contact information and the family members we have on your file. You will also have the option to change your 4-digit PIN.

If any of the information is wrong, include the changes on your next monthly report. You can also contact us to make changes. You can update your phone number and email address through the My Self Serve profile. It's important to keep your profile updated.

View your cheque information

Select the "Cheque Information" tab in the main menu. The screen will show:

  • The next cheque issue date
  • Your estimated next cheque amount
  • If your cheque will be held at the local office. Contact us for help
  • Supports and supplements you receive and any expiry dates
  • Any deductions, such as direct payments to service providers
  • Amounts you should receive from pensions or Child Care Tax benefits, if applicable
  • Your previous assistance amount
  • Your direct deposit information, if you've signed up
  • Your current annual earnings exemption (AEE) limit. This is only if you receive disability assistance
  • The "Confirmation of Assistance" button. Click this button to display and print confirmation that you are on assistance
  • The “T5007” button. Click this button to display and print your T5007 tax documents

View and reply to messages

You might get messages from us through My Self Serve. The "Messages" page is just like an email inbox. Only you can view these messages. You'll get an email telling you there's a new message waiting in My Self Serve.

It's important that you read your messages and take any action we request of you. These messages are usually about your assistance. They could affect your eligibility and the amount of money you get.

  1. When you log in to My Self Serve, you will be directed to the "Messages" page
  2. A list of your messages will appear in the middle column
  3. Select the message you want to view by clicking on the “subject” part of the message. If a message is new, the subject line will be in bold text
  4. The message you select will appear on the right hand side of the screen
  5. Once you read the message, you can delete it using the "Delete" button in the top right hand corner of the screen. You can't get a message back once you delete it
  6. Click the "Reply" button if you want to reply to the message. You can only reply to each message one time. If the message is a system generated notice or reminder, the “Reply” button won’t be available
  7. Type your reply in the window
  8. You can attach up to 10 documents to your reply by selecting the "Choose file" box. You can upload files as large as 2MB (up to a maximum of 10MB total of all files uploaded at once)
  9. Select "Send Message". Or, you can choose to cancel the reply and start again another time

View your employability plan

You can view your employability plan electronically. You can also access employment-related links and resources. To view your plan:

  1. Select the "Messages" tab in the main menu
  2. Locate the employability plan message and select the message by clicking on the “subject” part of the message
  3. Click on the "Employability Plan" document link to open

To view employment resources

  1. Select the “Employment Plans” tab in the main menu
  2. Click the “Employment Resources” button to view links and resources

Create and submit service requests

You can request service through My Self Serve. If you already initiated a service request by phone or in-person, you can’t recreate it online. You can only create one service request at a time.

  1. Select the "Service Requests” tab in main menu
  2. Click the “Create Service Request” button
  3. You will see up to 12 types of services requests. The topics you'll see depend on what kind of assistance you get:
    • Application for Assistance (Returning within 6 months)
    • Consent to Disclosure
    • Crisis Supplement Clothing
    • Crisis Supplement Food
    • Crisis Supplement Shelter
    • Crisis Supplement Utilities
    • Diet Supplement
    • Direct Deposit
    • Medical Transportation (Local)
    • Medical Transportation (Non-Local)
    • Prenatal Supplement
    • Shelter Update
  4. Select the type of service request you want to create
  5. If the service request is for a family member, select their name from the list next to the “Service Request Type”
  6. Select “Continue”
  7. Depending on the type of service you request, you may have to answer a questionnaire or complete a form. You can also upload supporting documents
  8. Select the “Sign & Complete” button to submit your request. You may be asked to enter your PIN depending on the request. The “Submission Confirmation” box will appear if your request was created successfully

Contact information

Get help and answers to your questions at your local office or:

Toll Free