ChildCareBC Bulletin

Last updated on June 28, 2024

Edition 87, June 28, 2024

Archived editions

B.C. Inclusive Child Care Strategy and report now available

All children benefit from quality, inclusive, culturally safe child care settings that are welcoming and celebrate the diverse identities of children, families, and staff. B.C. is building a future where access to quality, inclusive child care as a core service is a reality and has just released Where All Children Belong: B.C. Inclusive Child Care Strategy and Equity, Inclusion and Child Care in B.C.: Engagement Report.

This foundation includes:

  • Embedding equity and inclusion in all aspects of child care
  • Supporting child care providers and professionals in gaining the knowledge and skills to provide inclusive, culturally safe child care
  • Meeting the specific needs of children who are neurodiverse, have a disability, or have other support needs 

You can find the report and the strategy document on the Inclusive Child Care web page.

Reminder: Solicitation for Francophone Child Care Resource and Referral services closes soon

An official Call for Responses (CFR) was posted on BC Bid on May 31, 2024, for organizations interested in providing provincewide Francophone support services as part of the Child Care Resource and Referral (CCRR) program. The CFR will be accepting applications from prospective providers until July 4, 2024.

CCRR centres make it easier for families to access child care by providing information, support, resources and referral services to parents and child care providers throughout the province.

The successful service provider will provide direct support to Francophone child care providers and families throughout B.C. and will assist all CCRR centres in delivering Francophone-specific services as required.

If any potential service providers have questions on the Notice to Vendors or CFR process and how to participate, they can visit the BC Bid website, or contact at the Ministry of Citizens' Services.

ChildCareBC New Spaces Fund is open until August 2, 2024

The 2024-25 ChildCareBC New Spaces Fund opened on May 15, 2024. Applications will be accepted until August 2, 2024.

  • This year, there are two pathways to apply to the ChildCareBC New Spaces Fund. School districts will use the Capital Asset Planning System (MyCAPS) to request funding for child care projects on school grounds in addition to education capital funding. School district child care project application deadlines differ to the ChildCareBC New Spaces Fund deadlines. Please read below for more information. All other eligible public sector applicants will apply through the existing ChildCareBC New Spaces Fund application process
  • The fund is available for Indigenous governing entities; local governments; public bodies including Health Authorities, Boards of Education, Public Post-Secondary institutions and Crown Corporations; not-for-profits and Indigenous not-for-profits; First Nations Schools and other eligible Independent Schools to apply for space creation funding 
  • Two new grant streams are available. The major and minor capital project streams replace the New Spaces Fund Primary stream and the School Age Care on School Grounds stream
  • Not-for-profit organizations, including Indigenous not-for-profits, are required to be registered as a Society in British Columbia under the Societies Act, as well as be operational for at least one year prior to application to qualify for a minor capital grant. Organizations must be operational for at least four years to qualify for a major capital grant
  • For grant recipients who intend to secure an authorized operator to run the child care centre, the lease between parties must not be greater than fair-market rent
  • Under the major capital funding stream, applicants must provide, at minimum, a Class D Estimate and a detailed project budget as part of the application process
  • School district child care project submission deadlines are unique to school district applications. School Districts must submit their 2025-26 major capital child care project requests by June 30, and minor capital child care project requests by September 29. For more information on the project submission process for school districts, please refer to the Capital Plan Instructions or contact the Regional Director and Planning Officer team responsible for child care

Before applying to the New Spaces Fund, applicants are encouraged to consult with local First Nations on their plans. This is one way to engage to support development of projects that serve all members of the community and an opportunity to initiate or strengthen relationships with First Nations governments on whose territory the space is to be developed.

We know that improving access for B.C. families requires long-term sustainable growth that aligns with the capacity of the sector’s workforce to deliver these important services. Learn more about how government is taking action to recruit and retain early childhood professionals and lift up the child care sector on the Support for Early Childhood Professionals web page.

Public sector applicants with questions about child care operational planning and programming can contact the Child Care Development Support team at

Regional Engagements on Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care now concluded

In partnership with the Aboriginal Head Start Association of BC, BC Aboriginal Child Care Society, BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres, First Nations Health Authority and Métis Nation BC, the ministry has successfully concluded a series of engagements focused on Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care in B.C. Beginning in January 2024 and concluding in June 2024, eight in-person sessions took place across the province from Campbell River to Terrace. An additional two virtual sessions were held online for those unable to join in person. A full list of engagement locations can be on the Indigenous Engagement web page and a summary of the engagements will be shared in the future.

Indigenous child care providers, managers and leaders were invited to multi-day event sessions dedicated to learning and relationship building. Topics discussed included affordability programs, creating child care spaces, the recruitment and retention of early childhood educators, and more. The feedback gathered in these sessions will help inform policy direction, investments, and the longer-term goal of moving towards Indigenous self-determination and jurisdiction over early learning and child care.

Emergency Management Resource Package for School Districts

The Ministry of Education and Child Care has created resources to support districts, schools and child care facilities with emergency preparedness, response and recovery. The Education and Child Care Emergency Management Support Key Contacts 2024 includes key contact information for ministry and partner staff in the event of emergency. This document is intended for school districts, independent schools and child care facilities.

The Information Package – Emergency Management 2024 is a collection of information and resources for school administrators, independent schools, child care facilities, families and community regarding emergency management, wildfires, heat events, mental health and well-being, financial resources and droughts.

Reminder: Submit your application to the ECEBC Education Support Fund by end of day today

The Early Childhood Educators of BC (ECEBC) is accepting applications to the ECE Student Bursary and the ECE Workforce Development Bursary until June 28 at 11:59 p.m.

Bursaries will be available to students enrolled in a program of study for early childhood education in approved post-secondary institutions. Funding will be distributed upon proof of course completion with a passing grade, through the submission of a transcript following the end of the semester. Please note only Canadian citizens and permanent residents are eligible to apply and receive bursaries.

For further information on the ECE Education Support Fund and to apply, please visit the ECEBC website.

Indigenous History Month

June is Indigenous History Month in Canada and it’s a great opportunity to recognize and celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures, languages and history of Indigenous Peoples throughout British Columbia and across Canada. Through continued education, everyone can take a step forward on their personal path to reconciliation.

We invite you to explore the Indigenous communities near you using this interactive map and you can download the Reconciliation: A Starting Point app to learn more about Indigenous Peoples in Canada, including key historical events and reconciliation initiatives.

To continue your journey, visit the Government of Canada’s Indigenous History Month Learning Resources website

June is Pride Month

People throughout British Columbia and across Canada have come together for Pride 2024 in support of equal human rights for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and to celebrate and reflect on 2SLGBTQIA+ culture and history.

ChildCareBC is building child care as a core service that supports child care providers and early childhood professionals to welcome all families and where all children belong. Inclusive child care strives to celebrate the diverse identities and inherent gifts of all staff, families and children.

We have compiled a list of resources that we hope are helpful in creating inclusive child care environments and supporting 2SLGBTQIA+ staff members, family members and friends. As children grow into young adults, they may have questions about their gender identity and sexual orientation, and child care professionals working in the sector may also have questions and welcome further support in having these conversations.

If you or a friend are experiencing discrimination or harassment related to sexual orientation or gender identity, get help here.

Two-Spirit resources

Two-Spirit is a term used within some Indigenous communities, encompassing cultural, spiritual, sexual and gender identity. The term reflects complex Indigenous understandings of gender roles, spirituality, and the long history of sexual and gender diversity in Indigenous cultures. 

The following resources are available to support Two-Spirit and Indigenous LGBTQIA+ youth, families and allies.

Inclusion resources for child care providers and early childhood professionals

The following resources are available to help child care providers and early childhood professionals create inclusive environments in which all staff, families and children are supported to belong.

  • Foundations of Inclusive Child Care Training – Geared toward child care providers, early childhood professionals and others in the child care sector, this free course provides an overview of inclusive practices and strategies and is worth 12 Pro-D hours
  • erase = expect respect & a safe education - erase is all about building safe and caring school communities. This includes empowering students, parents, educators and the community partners who support them to get help with challenges, report concerns to schools, and learn about complex issues facing students
  • British Columbia’s Early Learning Framework – Early childhood professionals play a pivotal role in creating classrooms that are welcoming of all families and children, including those with diverse gender expressions and identities. The Early Learning Framework highlights gender and sexuality throughout in creating inclusive, high-quality child care services
  • Learning in the Primary Years - The Ministry of Education and Child Care has revised the "Primary Program Framework" first published in 2000. Now called "Learning in the Primary Years," the updated resource supports learning in Kindergarten through Grade 3 and reflects pedagogy inclusive of Indigenous worldviews, as well as the current B.C. context
  • Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) Inclusive Education – A resource for educators that can support the creation of inclusive spaces for students of all sexual orientations and gender identities and help reduce discrimination
  • Westcoast Early Learning Library (WELL) – Part of the Westcoast Child Care Resource and Referral Centre, WELL offers access to a collection of books, articles and resources, including those related to gender identity and sexual orientation

2SLGBTQIA+ resources for families and individuals

Action Plans


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