Information for the child care workforce

Last updated on August 13, 2024

As of September 1, 2024, Fédération des parents francophones de Colombie-Britannique will be providing provincewide Child Care Resources and Referral services to Francophone families, child care providers and the child care workforce.

Child Care Resource and Referral (CCRR) service providers provide mentoring and support to members of the child care workforce. The workforce includes Early Childhood Educators, Early Childhood Educator Assistants and Responsible Adults. CCRR service providers support them through professional development, site visits, mobile and virtual outreach, and other one-on-one visits.

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Lending Library

Members of the child care workforce may access educational resources and equipment to enhance the child care location in which they work. Lending libraries contain gross and fine motor materials, themed educational bins, literacy resources such as story kits and books in multiple languages. The lending library may also contain Indigenous focused and cultural items, and larger play and inclusive equipment.

Child care professionals who are interested in furthering their education should ask their CCRR service provider if their lending library has text books and educational resources available to support their learning journey.

Mentorship and support

CCRR service providers are an invaluable resource within local B.C. communities and are an important first point of contact in providing relevant information, resources, mentorship and support for the child care workforce in B.C.

CCRR service providers share relevant information and resources with the child care workforce which may include:

  • Highlighting their educational resources in their lending library 
  • Information about the province’s child care sector including related events, services and resources, including B.C.’s Early Learning Framework
  • A list of local communities of practice, early years tables, learning circles and other networking opportunities to join
  • Available professional development and training opportunities

CCRR service providers provide mentoring and support to the child care workforce in various forms through site visits, mobile and virtual outreach, and one-on-one office visits.

They can assist the child care workforce with:

Professional development

CCRR service providers organize and facilitate a range of professional development and training opportunities and promote them through the Early Years Professional Development Portal

Professional development and training opportunities are in-person or virtual, and may include communities of practice, workshops, networking opportunities and learning circles. CCRR service providers ensure these opportunities are accessible and inclusive and are grounded in Indigenous and culturally appropriate knowledge.

Careers in child care

As child care experts, CCRR service providers have firsthand insight into the benefits and joys of working in the child care sector. Connect with your local CCRR service provider to determine if a career in child care is a fit for you.

CCRR service providers can support and guide you through your educational journey by helping you determine what educational requirements are necessary to work in your desired type of child care and discussing the different educational opportunities available to you, locally and virtually. They can also assist you in applying for available grants and bursaries and may have textbooks you can borrow from their lending library.

They can also connect you with your local child care community and help you identify job opportunities to begin your career in the child care sector.

For more information on the above topics contact your local Child Care Resource and Referral service provider.

Additional professional development resources

Support for early childhood professionals 

Early Years Professional Development Portal

The Provincial Nominee Program

Early Care and Learning Recruitment and Retention Strategy (PDF, 2MB)