ChildCareBC programs

Publication date: August 13, 2024

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$10 a Day ChildCareBC Centres

$10 a Day ChildCareBC Centres are an important step in the Province’s historic path to making affordable child care a core service for B.C. families. The positive financial impact on parents with children in these centres is significant, with families paying no more than $200 a month per child for full-time enrolment during regular business hours, regardless of the care type. Some low-income families may even qualify for free child care, through additional funding programs, such as the Affordable Child Care Benefit (ACCB).

Affordable Child Care Benefit

The Affordable Child Care Benefit is a monthly payment to help eligible families with the cost of child care. Factors like income, family size, and type of care determine how much support families can get. Families need to renew their application every year.

Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative

The Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative enhances child care affordability for families by offering funding to eligible, licensed child care providers to reduce and stabilize monthly child care fees.

Families do not need to apply. Providers opt in to receive funding when they apply for Child Care Operating Funding.

Child Care Operating Funding

Child Care Operating Funding (CCOF) is available for eligible licensed providers through CCOF Base Funding, the Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative (CCFRI) and the Early Childhood Educator Wage Enhancement (ECE-WE). Participation in CCOF Base Funding, CCFRI and ECE-WE is optional. However, enrolment in CCOF Base Funding is required to apply for CCFRI and ECE-WE.

Child Care Resource and Referral Centres

Child Care Resource and Referral (CCRR) centres make it easier for families to find and access responsive and inclusive quality licensed and registered child care by providing information, support, resources and referral services to parents and child care providers across the province.

Early Childhood Educator Wage Enhancement

As part of Government's Early Care and Learning Recruitment and Retention Strategy, Early Childhood Educators (ECEs) working in licensed child care facilities are eligible to receive up to a $6 per hour wage enhancement. This is the third wage enhancement offered to licensed ECEs since September 2018.

Participation in the Early Childhood Educator Wage Enhancement (ECE-WE) is optional, and child care providers can apply at any time. Parents and facility staff can contact the Child Care Service Centre for information about a facility’s ECE-WE opt-in status.

Early Childhood Educator Registry

Early Childhood Educators (ECEs) play a critical role in providing education and care for young children. To work as an ECE or ECE Assistant in a licensed child care facility in B.C. you must be certified by the ECE Registry.

Maintenance Fund

The ChildCareBC Maintenance Fund helps licensed child care facilities in emergency circumstances, defined as sudden and unexpected conditions that directly impact children’s health and safety or may result in immediate facility closure.

New Spaces Fund

The ChildCareBC New Spaces Fund provides funding to create new licensed child care, helping families access, affordable, quality, and inclusive child care as a core service they can depend on, while strengthening communities throughout British Columbia.

Start-Up Grants

The Start-Up Grants program is designed to increase the number of licensed child care spaces available to B.C. families by supporting individuals who want to operate a licensed child care facility in their personal residence. The grant assists with the costs associated with obtaining a Group Care, Family, and In-Home Multi-Age (IHMA) licence type under the Community Care and Assisted Living Act and Child Care Licensing Regulation.

Young Parent Program

Parents who are under the age of 25 may qualify for help with child care while they finish high school – including:

  • Up to $1,500 (per month per child) to help cover the cost of child care
  • A space for their child in a care program at or near the school they're attending