Information for families

Last updated on August 13, 2024

As of September 1, 2024, Fédération des parents francophones de Colombie-Britannique will be providing provincewide Child Care Resources and Referral services to Francophone families, child care providers and the child care workforce.

Child Care Resource and Referral (CCRR) service providers offer a range of services to families in B.C. that include mobile, in-person, phone and virtual services to accommodate family needs and schedules.

On this page

Lending Library

CCRRs provide Lending Library services for families to access educational resources and equipment that may include items such as toys, books available in multiple languages, cultural items, inclusive equipment, textbooks and other educational resources including Indigenous-focused resources.

Child Care referrals

CCRR service providers educate families to better understand the different types of child care in B.C. and how to choose quality child care that best suits their needs. CCRR service providers maintain a referral list of licensed and registered child care providers in their service area and can be requested by families to support their search for child care.

The regularly-updated Child Care Map is also available to identify local child care providers.

ChildCareBC programs and application assistance

CCRR service providers are an important first point of contact in providing relevant information, resources and application support for B.C. families. For example, they support families in applying for various ChildCareBC Programs, such as the Affordable Child Care Benefit and the Young Parent Program.

See the Digital access section below for access to a computer or support submitting an application. 

Learning opportunities for families

CCRR service providers offer learning opportunities for families that align with B.C.’s Early Learning Framework. These will include registered and drop-in style programming such as circle times or playgroups.

Digital access

Families with limited digital access can use physical and digital resources free of charge. This includes computers, tablets, software, printing and faxing services, so families can access online resources relating to child care, including provincial child care programs and services.

Community referrals

CCRR service providers provide referrals to other community services in their school district. These referrals may include local public librariesfood banksimmigrant settlement services, translation services and other social services.

For more information on the above topics contact your local Child Care Resource and Referral service provider.