Child Care Operating Funding (CCOF) is available for eligible licensed providers through CCOF Base Funding, the Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative (CCFRI) and the Early Childhood Educator Wage Enhancement (ECE-WE).
This funding assists providers with the day-to-day costs of running a licensed child care facility. It also enhances early childhood educator wages and reduces fees for families.
Participating in Child Care Operating Funding, the Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative and the Early Childhood Educator Wage Enhancement is optional for child care providers. However, enrolment in Base Funding is required to participate in the Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative and Early Childhood Educator Wage Enhancement.
Base Funding
Base Funding assists with the day to day costs of running a licensed child care facility. This funding helps child care providers maintain quality child care for the community.
Base Funding is available to licensed Family and Group child care providers.
Read more about Base Funding.
Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative
The Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative enhances child care affordability by offering funding to eligible, licensed child care providers to reduce and stabilize monthly child care fees. Families do not need to apply. Providers opt-in to receive funding when they apply for Child Care Operating Funding.
Organizations can choose to apply to the Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative at any time during the Child Care Operating Funding term.
Organizations are encouraged to opt-in to the program when they apply for Child Care Operating Funding as the program supports providers in reducing the monthly child care costs by up to $900/month per child for families in their care.
Providers approved for Base Funding can apply for the Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative if they have any of these eligible care categories:
Read more about the Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative.
Early Childhood Educator Wage Enhancement
As part of the B.C. government's Early Care and Learning Recruitment and Retention Strategy, Early Childhood Educators working in licensed child care centres receiving Child Care Operating Funding may be eligible to receive up to a $6 per hour wage enhancement. Early Childhood Educators may also be eligible for the new Specialized Certification Grant.
Child care providers need to apply and be approved to participate to receive funding.
Child care providers who receive Base Funding and have opted in to the Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative can apply for the wage enhancement.
All Early Childhood Educators, including those who are also owner or operators of a licensed child care facility, are eligible for the wage enhancement if they are directly employed by a licensed child care facility that meets the requirements found in the Early Childhood Educator Wage Enhancement funding guidelines.
Read more about the Early Childhood Educator Wage Enhancement.
View B.C. Child Care Data and Reports for ChildCareBC programs across the province.
CCOF Program Contact Centre