Hazardous waste resources

Last updated on March 13, 2025

Guidance documents

These guidance documents detail the requirements for financial security and plans requiring approval under the Hazardous Waste RegulationThese were created to aid hazardous waste generators, management facilities, consultants, and others to manage hazardous waste above the generator registration quantity (Schedule 6). 

Disclaimer: the guidelines provided on this website are not legal documents. In all cases the Environmental Management Act, regulations, and other legislation take precedence. 


Additional Registration and Authorizations Guidance

How to apply for a waste discharge authorization contains templates and guidance for registration, the application process, and preparation of documents for approval required under the Hazardous Waste Regulation, for both BC Generator or Registered Sites.


Completing British Columbia's Hazardous Waste Manifests and Supplementary Forms - Manual

A manual designed to assist consignors, carriers and consignees in completing and distributing the British Columbia Hazardous Waste Manifest and supplementary forms.


Empty Containers

This document provides guidance on emptying containers of hazardous waste and managing containers once empty. The Hazardous Waste Regulation does not include a definition of “empty container” or any specific provisions regarding their management with the exception of pesticide and PCB containers. Please review the guidance document below which provides clarity regarding these aspects: 


Hazardous Waste Legislation Guide

This guide provides an overview of the Province’s requirements for handling and managing hazardous waste and how related laws in British Columbia apply to generators, carriers and receivers of hazardous waste.


Industrial Camps: Waste Authorizations and Best Practices - Factsheet

This document provides guidance on what should be done to manage waste, including hazardous waste, from camps established to house workers such as in industrial, oil and gas, mining or construction operations. The emphasis is on authorizations required by the B.C. government. Information is also provided for best management practices when authorization is not required.


Invert sites: Delist and De-registration Factsheet

Information about delisting and de-registration of hydrocarbon contaminated drill cuttings (inverts)


Local government factsheet

Local governments can learn about their regulatory responsibilities as generators, transporters and/or receivers of hazardous waste.


Fact sheet: Manifest and licence to transport requirements for the upstream oil and gas sector


Managing Lead-containing Construction and Demolition Wastes Guideline

This document provides general guidelines for generators of waste arising from construction and demolition activities, including cleaning, that may be characterized as regulated hazardous waste due to the presence of lead in a coating applied to the surface of the construction material or in the material itself.

Please be advised that:

  • The owner of the waste is responsible for characterizing it accurately and in accordance with the Hazardous Waste Regulation. If the owner of the waste does not have the qualifications to make a waste determination, the services of an environmental consultant or a qualified professional should be used
  • A person must not mix or dilute hazardous waste with any solid or liquid (including waste, water or rainwater), or otherwise, take action by dividing a hazardous waste to evade this regulation

Preparing Contingency Plans for Carriers of Hazardous Waste Guidelines

The main purpose of these guidelines is to promote the development of comprehensive and consistent emergency response plans by the transportation industry, in cooperation with the federal, provincial and local governments. Users have the responsibility of judging the suitability of the guidelines according to their specific situation.


Product list

Products are available for purchase via specific organizations.

Item Price (Excluding taxes) Stock #
Distribution Centre (Victoria) - to order from DCV, you must call to place an order, and quote the stock #.
Manifest Form Continuous $7,000 (box of 500) 7530821000
Manifest Form Pad $350 (pad of 25) 7530821001
Multiple Carriers Supplement Form $50 (pad of 25) 7530821003
Multiple Consignors Supplement Form $50 (pad of 25) 7530821004
Multiple Different Wastes Supplement Form $50 (pad of 25) 7530821005
Single Manifest Form $14 (Only available in person at 4234 Glanford Ave, Victoria BC) 7530821007

FrontCounter BC - to order from FrontCounter BC. Check the website for the nearest location.

If there is no convenient location, contact the nearest office to request a manifest to be mailed to you:

  • Pre-paid shipment and mail costs incurred by the client, registered mail or courier only
 Single Manifest Form

$14 (no refund transactions)

Provincial program staff - to obtain each item please refer to contact provide below.

Generator Registration Data - will provide information on all active registered generators in B.C. (i.e., address, waste type, quantity, etc.)

Send your order with detailed billing information to:

$100 G1

Manifest Data - a copy of all manifest information that has been received and entered into the Hazardous Waste Program database for the 1999 to 2014 calendar years.

Send your order with detailed billing information and calendar year(s) to:

$100 (price per the calendar year) M4