Submit Data to the Conservation Data Centre

Last updated on July 29, 2021

The Conservation Data Centre (CDC) relies on scientists and knowledgeable naturalists to help build its database of the locations of species and ecological communities in B.C.

Appropriate data may be:

  • Incorporated into the CDC data systems as a new record(s)
  • Used to update an existing record(s)

All species and ecosystem data is valuable information that can be used to help assess the status of a species or ecosystem. Some data may also be used for mapping purposes.

The CDC focuses mapping efforts primarily on the most at-risk species and ecosystems or on areas of development focus. For this reason not all data submitted will result in a mapped element occurrence. However all data submissions are important input for accurate status assessments.

How to Submit Data

Use the tools listed below to submit data to the provincial data repository managed by the Ecosystems Information Section (EIS).  This ensures that your submission is available in a common location from which the CDC can mine the data and information relevant to its business.  Please note that CDC staff will review the EIS data repositories when a species or community becomes a priority for mapping or status assessment.

To bring your data submission to the attention of the CDC, and for time sensitive submissions, please send an additional email to the CDC team.



Contact information

Please contact the Conservation Data Centre for more information.