Request Data & Information from the Conservation Data Centre

Last updated on May 9, 2018

Use these online tools to find data and information about species and ecosystems in B.C.:

If you require more information about a species or ecosystem, please contact with details of your request. The normal response time is 14 days or less.

Secure Data

Additional information can be requested; however, some mapped element occurrences are secured:

  • to protect the element from persecution or harm
  • for proprietary reasons
  • to protect government interests

These records fall under the exemption provisions of the Freedom of Information Act and will not be released in response to routine data requests. Secured records are either for internal use only or are released on a need-to-know basis.

For example: Element occurrence information may be requested on a need-to-know basis if a project location overlaps a secured element occurrence and the details of the element occurrence are relevant to decision making. Each individual that will view the data will need to:

Send a Request for Secure Data

Include the following with your request for secure data and information:

Contact information:

  • Name
  • Organization
  • Client name / organization (if applicable)

Project location: Please provide a detailed description of your project area – Shapefile, address or coordinate is preferred. If an image is provided, please ensure the map is labelled with location information.

Project details:

  • Development: Please include project timing and activities that may occur onsite. If known, include search area (e.g. element occurrences within 5 km of project area)
  • Conservation initiative: Include how information will be used
  • Academic study: Include how information will be used

Data format: Indicate if you would prefer shapefile or file geodatabase format – let us know if you cannot utilize either of these formats so that an alternate one can be provided.

Contact information

Please contact the Conservation Data Centre for more information.