Backlog Reforestation Activity Area Expectations

Last updated on April 1, 2015

Backlog reforestation is the process of establishing free growing stands on areas harvested prior to October 1, 1987 through a planned series of activities set out in a treatment plan (or equivalent prescription), typically beginning with site preparation followed by planting and brushing, along with associated surveys.

Backlog reforestation stand treatments that are a licensee responsibility under a timber tenure are not eligible for funding under the Land Based Investment Program.

Backlog reforestation must be done according to a treatment plan. Where specifications in a treatment plan vary from stocking standards approved under a forest development or forest stewardship plan, the specifications must be approved by a District Manager.

The ranking of backlog reforestation stand treatments should consider:

  • priorities set out in higher level plans or silviculture strategies;
  • impacts on other resource values; and
  • the relative return vs. cumulative cost of all treatments on individual areas to produce a free growing stand - this may be determined using the Backlog Cost Calculator (XLS).

The cumulative cost of all future treatments to produce a free growing stand on an area should not exceed $10/m³ based on the projected net volume gain produced by the treatments and including the cost of seed, seedlings, storage, shipping and other related costs (cost of previous treatments do not figure in the cost cap calculation). See Cost Caps for further information.