Government collaboration

Last updated on July 26, 2024

Climate change has a global impact. Effective action requires close collaboration with Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities, and between governments across Canada and around the world. Collaboration with Indigenous Peoples is particularly important as they have key climate knowledge as original stewards of the lands we now call British Columbia, and are disproportionately impacted by climate change effects.

Leading by example

B.C. is leading by example in carbon pricing, clean technology and low-carbon energy. We’re modelling our successes for others and exporting our solutions to the world while growing economic opportunities here at home. Encouraging our trading partners to adopt similar policies builds global climate-action momentum and combats potential competitive issues for our businesses and industry.

With the first broad-based carbon tax in North America, B.C. has proved that it is possible to reduce emissions while maintaining a strong economy.

Governments elsewhere are also learning from our achievement in becoming the first carbon neutral government in North America.

Working together

To leverage our experience and drive further action, B.C. is building and strengthening existing partnerships at home, across the country, and around the world.

Indigenous Peoples and organizations

  • B.C. is committed to collaboratively developing and implementing climate policies and actions to support resilient communities and clean economic opportunities for Indigenous Peoples
  • Consistent with the Province’s commitment to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, we are working with Indigenous Peoples to develop a collaborative approach to climate initiatives such as emissions reduction opportunities, participating in new clean economic opportunities, building resilient communities, recognizing traditional knowledge, and helping communities adapt to the impacts of climate change
  • The Province takes a distinctions-based approach in its work with Indigenous Peoples and collaborates with two climate-specific Indigenous advisory groups
  • Learn more about what we have heard from Indigenous Peoples in engagements on:

Local governments

  • Local governments in B.C. are taking action on climate change and working toward emissions targets set in their official community plans and regional growth strategies
  • The Province supports local government signatories to the B.C. Climate Action Charter to achieve their commitments. This includes working towards carbon neutral operations, measuring emissions, and creating complete, compact, energy-efficient communities
  • The Province collaborates with local governments to prepare for, and adapt to, unavoidable climate impacts and reduce emissions through such initiatives as the Green Communities Committee and the Local Government Climate Action Program

Business leaders

  • The Government of B.C. and business leaders have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to establish B.C. as a world leader in delivering low-carbon goods and services​
  • Under the MOU, government and the Business Council of BC will work together to develop an industrial strategy that transitions B.C. into a low-carbon leader

National collaboration

  • Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change is a cross-country collaboration to develop resilience to climate change, grow the economy, and reduce emissions. Building on the efforts of each provincial and territorial government, it addresses common challenges and establishes shared goals. Core elements of the framework include actions to advance climate change adaptation, as well as carbon pricing and clean technology, all focused on helping Canada meet its 2030 target of reducing emissions by 30 percent below 2005 levels while growing the economy

Regional collaboration

  • Pacific Coast Collaborative (PCC) is a partnership between B.C., Washington, Oregon and California to develop and adopt climate change and energy strategies focused on the west coast. These include building climate resilience, carbon pricing, expanding the use of zero-emission vehicles and low-carbon fuels, increasing the energy efficiency of large buildings. Recent joint actions include the inclusion of leading west coast cities in the PCC through the PCC Cities Agreement, the Declaration on Climate Resilience, the creation of an International Ocean Acidification Alliance, and exploratory work on tackling short-lived climate pollutants
  • The Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions was established through a $90 million B.C. government endowment to four of the province’s climate research universities to support multi-disciplinary, innovative approaches to addressing climate change
  • The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium (PCIC) was started through a B.C. Government endowment to establish a regional climate service centre that provides practical information on the physical impacts of climate variability and change in the Pacific and Yukon regions of Canada. PCIC collaborates with other climate researchers and regional partners to produce knowledge and tools in support of long-term climate change adaptation planning

International collaboration

  • As part of Canada’s delegation for United Nations (UN) climate negotiations, B.C. engages in discussions on climate issues and demonstrates policy successes. The yearly UN meetings allow countries from around the world to evaluate progress on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
  • The Under2 Coalition is a diverse group of governments that set ambitious targets to combat climate change. Central to the Under2 Memorandum of Understanding is an agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80 to 95 percent below 1990 levels – or to two tonnes CO2e per capita per year – by 2050
  • Through the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition, B.C. partners with the World Bank to share our experience and support other jurisdictions in developing carbon pricing policies
  • Through the International Zero Emission Vehicle Alliance, governments from North America and Europe work together to increase the global adoption rate of zero-emission vehicles
  • The International Carbon Action Partnership is a forum on emissions trading systems aimed at creating a well-functioning global carbon market
  • The Western Climate Initiative is a non-profit corporation that provides administrative and technical services to support the implementation of state and provincial greenhouse gas emissions trading programs
  • B.C. & Guangdong - Memorandum of Understanding on Climate Change and Low Carbon Development is a collaborative framework for cooperation between B.C. and Guandong, China to address climate change
  • ​RegionsAdapt Initiative is the first global initiative for regional governments to plan, take concrete action, cooperate and report efforts on climate adaptation