B.C. Climate Action Charter

Last updated on January 9, 2023

The B.C. Climate Action Charter is a voluntary agreement between the B.C. government, Union of B.C. Municipalities and each local government signatory to take action on climate change.

The Charter was launched at the 2007 UBCM Convention. Since then, almost every local government in B.C. has become a signatory.

Local Government Charter commitments

Under the Charter, local government signatories commit to:

  • Becoming carbon neutral in their corporate operations
  • Measuring and reporting their community's greenhouse gas emissions
  • Creating complete, compact, more energy efficient communities

The Green Communities Committee

The Charter established the joint Provincial-UBCM Committee to support local governments in taking action on climate change.

The Committee works in collaboration with local governments to ensure that the right mix of tools, guidance and other supports are available to assist rural and urban communities as they work toward their Charter goals.

Green Communities Committee recognition and awards

  • Green Communities Committee Climate Action Recognition Program: This program publicly recognized the progress and achievements of each Charter signatory towards achieving carbon neutrality based on reporting through the Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program (CARIP). CARIP was wrapped up in 2021. The recognition program is currently suspended.
  • Green Communities Committee UBCM Community Excellence Award for Excellence in Sustainability: Recognition of local governments that incorporate a long-term sustainability lens.
Sustainability & Resilience

Sustainable and resilient communities are compact, complete, centred, connected and consider natural assets and hazards.