B.C.'s Provincial Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Provincial Inventory) reports province-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals and is published every year, covering emissions from 1990 onwards.
The Provincial Inventory (XLSX, 330KB) is published annually and covers all emissions included in B.C.'s legislated economy-wide and sectoral emissions reduction targets.
Emissions are broken down by:
For information purposes only, the Provincial Inventory also lists other land use emissions that are mainly due to natural causes largely outside of direct human control, such as wildfires and insect outbreaks.
B.C.'s Provincial Inventory is based on the Government of Canada's National Inventory Report (NIR) which includes emissions data that is roughly two years old.
Due to the complexity of the data, the federal government requires approximately two years to collect and compute all the necessary data to produce the inventory. The Government of Canada sends the Province preliminary inventory data and methodology descriptions to review and cross-check for accuracy before the NIR is finalized and published.
The latest GHG data for B.C. is for 2022, based on the NIR published in May 2024. In 2022, B.C.'s gross GHG emissions, as reported in the Provincial Inventory, were 65.6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e). This is an increase of 0.1 MtCO2e (+0%) from 65.5 MtCO2e in 2007, the baseline year for our emissions reduction and sectoral targets.
Net emissions in 2022, after including 1.5 MtCO2e of carbon sequestration by forest management offset projects not covered in the Provincial Inventory, were 64.1 MtCO2e.
The Provincial Inventory differs from the NIR by including GHG estimates for land-use change in emissions totals. Land-use change emissions, primarily afforestation and deforestation emissions and removals, are included in the Provincial Inventory because there is greater direct human control over these emissions than over other land use source emissions.
Starting in 2024, the Provincial Inventory reports LULUCF emissions in greater detail than the NIR. The updated structure enhances reporting granularity without altering the total LULUCF emissions, or the method used to produce them, which would remain the same if the previous reporting structure applied.
Any other differences are documented each year in the Provincial Inventory Methodology Report and the Provincial Inventory Method Changes and Exceptions Table.
The Provincial Inventory Methodology Report (PDF, 728KB) provides a description of the scope of each inventory line item and a summary of the methods and data sources used in preparing the Provincial Inventory. As the Provincial Inventory data comes from the NIR, the methodology report gives specific references to the relevant sections of the NIR for more in-depth methodology information.
The Provincial Inventory Method Changes and Exceptions Table (PDF, 158KB) tracks differences from the NIR and also records any temporary deviations from the usual methods described in the methodology report. Year-to-year changes to the methods used to produce the NIR are not tracked in the table—they are documented in the NIR itself.
Example of a difference in the 1990-2022 Provincial Inventory published in 2024
The oil and natural gas venting fugitive emissions line has been replaced with data provided by the Government of Canada after the release of the 2024 NIR. As a result of the line substitution, B.C.’s reported provincial emissions totals will also differ from the NIR.
The current Provincial Inventory may differ from previous inventories due to the backcasting of methodology and data improvements. Backcasting involves integrating any new improved methods or data sources to not only the latest year, but also to all prior years as applicable. This ensures data is comparable over time within each inventory. As a result, previous versions of the inventory may differ from the current version.
Example of a difference between Provincial Inventory versions
The 1990-2021 Provincial Inventory reported 2007 GHG emissions at 63.8MtCO2e, but in the 1990-2022 Provincial Inventory, that figure was revised upwards to 65.5 MtCO2e. The changes are due to methodology improvements in several categories. The 2007 emissions will be revised again in future years to address further improvements in GHG inventory methods as they occur.